Pregnancy Nutrition

Christmas is a time of the year full of meals, dinners, farewells and celebrations in which you can easily catch a few extra pounds. In only 15 days you can get to gain between 2 and 3 kilos of weight, so do not go over with meals, especially if you are pregnant. Excesses in Christmas meals are difficult to control for anyone, so we will give you some tips to enjoy these dates without gaining weight, as well as to control the dangers of some foods.

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Calcium is an essential nutrient in the diet, especially necessary for pregnant moms and growing children. Normally our idea is that we must obtain it from milk and its derivatives, but there are many other foods rich in calcium that can meet the calcium requirements of the diet.

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The diet in pregnancy is essential for the proper development of the baby in gestation. Sometimes we don't know how much food and how to cook it can affect the baby, so taking care of the food during pregnancy is very important. Even when you make heartbreaking meals, choose healthy snacks.

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Surely on more than one occasion you have received the recommendation to eat a maximum of three eggs a week and surely if on any occasion you have eaten an egg a day someone has told you that you are putting a cholesterol pump in your body . Given these messages and recommendations, most parents limit the consumption of eggs of our children, ensuring their health, so that they do not exceed.

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On many occasions we have talked about how to have good nutrition during pregnancy, and that is a fundamental aspect of the health of the mother and the future baby. From the Ministry of Health we also find advice on feeding during pregnancy. "Recommendations to prevent obesity and overweight and maintain a good nutritional status during pregnancy" have been prepared by experts from the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN).

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People often talk about the recommended calorie intake for pregnant women, but less importance is given to water, an indispensable food for the good health of the mother and the baby in gestation. Nutrition experts recommend consuming at least two liters of water daily during pregnancy.

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Children under six years of age, pregnant women or those who plan to stay in state should not consume meat from animals hunted with lead, because this metal affects the developing central nervous system. This follows from a report of the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN), under the Ministry of Health, on the risk associated with the presence of lead in wild game meat in Spain.

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During pregnancy, we must take certain care in the diet to avoid infections caused by parasites or bacteria that could affect the baby, such as listeriosis. Listerosis is an infection caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, foodborne that is widely distributed by nature (soil, dust, water), and can be found in various animal and plant foods.

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During pregnancy, more than ever, the mother must choose safe foods to ensure proper development of the baby. Therefore, it is essential to always keep in mind some tips for safe feeding during pregnancy. Diseases caused by bacteria found in foods such as toxoplasmosis, listeriosis or salmonellosis can have very serious consequences in pregnant women.

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The benefits of fish in the diet are known, and especially in the diet of the future mother. According to a recent study from the University of Granada, among other things, eating fish during pregnancy improves the intellectual capacity of children. They have observed that those born to women who consumed more fish during pregnancy had better results in tests of verbal intelligence, fine motor skills and better prosocial behavior.

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Yesterday we saw that training courses for pharmacists are being carried out in the Basque Country so that they can advise women during pregnancy, especially in matters of medical conditions and medications. Today we receive news in this same direction, in Catalonia pharmacists will advise on nutrition for pregnant women.

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In pregnancy, quality nutrients are essential for the proper development of the baby. One of them is omega 3, which provides important benefits in pregnancy. Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid, which means that the human body cannot make it from other substances. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant function and is also part of cell membranes, so in pregnancy it must be consumed regularly or supplemented to enjoy all its benefits.

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Future moms should be cautious with food, and this recommendation also applies to special occasions related to copious meals such as Christmas. Both for digestive discomfort, and for avoiding weight gain and dangerous foods, there are certain cares that pregnant women should have at Christmas meals.

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The nutrition of the future mother is key to a healthy pregnancy. Gestation is a stage with special nutritional needs that the mother must meet through a balanced diet. The best diet in pregnancy is a varied and complete diet, with foods that provide quality nutrients.

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A few months ago the news of the change in the recommendations of consumption of certain fish contaminated by mercury jumped. Specifically, we were referring to the ban on consumption for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children under three years of age and restrictions for older children.

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