Irresistible hunger during pregnancy? Choose healthy snacks

It is common that during pregnancy we are hungry at any time and place. Our body has special nutritional needs, but we cannot be tempted to eat anything to satisfy hunger. Unless it's anything healthy. Thus, healthy snacks are recommended during pregnancy.

Let's see what kind of snacks we can take during pregnancy so that they do not negatively affect our health or that of the baby. Because it is important to take care of food also between meals, and it is possible to do so by following these tips.

  • fruit, without a doubt one of the best and healthiest options. In the middle of the morning or in the afternoon, at any time of the day, a piece of fruit may come in handy. Foods rich in fiber, the fruit also provides water and vitamins. Remember to wash the piece well if you are going to eat it with skin.

  • Natural fruit juices and smoothies. We will find the beneficial properties of the fruit also if we drink a juice of natural fruits, squeezed or liquefied. Many fruits combined with milk in smoothies are delicious, and they also provide us with a lot of calcium. Packaged juices usually contain more sugars, and the same goes for smoothies, so they are less recommended.

  • Fruit sorbets A different version to enjoy the benefits of fruits are sorbets or slushies, which in the face of heat can come in handy. We have to prepare light sorbets, crushing three or four pieces of fruit next to the juice of half a lemon. We can slightly sweeten the mixture, and stir several times while it is in the freezer so that a block is not made.

  • Vegetables: Vegetables have the same beneficial properties of fruits. As a snack we can choose cucumber or carrot sticks, cherrry tomatoes ... In any decalogue of recommendations for good nutrition we will find frequent consumption of fruits and vegetables.

  • Nuts: nuts, preferably raw (and if they are roasted, better without salt), are very caloric but satisfy the appetite and provide important minerals such as calcium, together with good quality fats (for example, Omega-3 of the walnuts) Fried nuts are the least recommended, since they have absorbed the oil, gain more weight and contribute to dehydration.

  • Dairy products: fresh cheese, milk, yogurt ... These are foods that will contribute to reaching the daily dose of calcium in the pregnant woman. The calcium intake is important during pregnancy, but we have to choose non-sugary and low-fat products. A little imagination will make dairy enter without noticing in our diet: fresh cheese in salads or snacks, milk and fruit shakes, yogurt with fruits, milk with cereals ...

  • Cereals provide carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins and complementary sugars. Cereal bars are very satiating, but we have to choose varieties low in fat and sugar. The same goes for breakfast cereals, sometimes with excess sugar and saturated fat.

  • Sandwiches: Bread is a way to eat healthy cereals. We can choose low-salt or whole-grain bread varieties, with greater fiber input. The important thing is that we do not abuse the bread and that we accompany it with a good filling, also healthy: fresh cheese, ham or cooked turkey, tuna, tomato ...

It is normal that during pregnancy we are hungry several times a day outside the main meals. But we must try not to chop anything, but stick to the most appropriate food for these cases. Avoid especially sweets and sweets or industrial pastries, sugary sodas, fried snacks ...

It is also advisable to plan the main meals of the day and not forget lunch in the morning and afternoon snack. In this way we avoid being all day itching. But we must not give up a healthy snack and in this way we will not get too hungry for the next meal.

Definitely, We don't have to go hungry during pregnancy, but there are many possibilities for healthy snacks. Do not forget the intake of abundant water and the realization of a physical activity regularly, in this way you will continue to contribute to a healthy pregnancy, and you will eat with more desire!

Photos | futurestreet, Photos by Lina on Flickr-CC In Babies and more | In pregnancy, choose healthy snacks, Prepare the healthiest snacks and snacks for your children, Healthy eating during pregnancy: ten things you should know

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