Pregnancy Nutrition

The recommendations on weight gain in pregnancy vary greatly from one doctor to another, from one country to another and, in general, as is logical, from one woman to another. The tables of recommendations are reviewed periodically and there are also new studies that address this issue. One of these investigations suggests that obese and overweight women who get too little or lose weight may be putting the baby's health at risk.

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One of the most modern concerns that parents have about the education of our children is the quality of the food we give them. It is something relatively common since at other times they had enough to find something to eat. The improvement of the living conditions and the landing of the industry in the field, as well as the improvement of the conservation techniques made that the access to food as well as the variety of these improved considerably.

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During pregnancy, care must be taken and feeding is one of the bases for a healthy pregnancy. Let's see what foods can not miss during pregnancy. This, taking into account that each woman is different and that there may be some type of allergy, intolerance or aversion, so, as we usually say, the last word will be taken by the doctor if any food needs to be replaced.

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Incredulous I stay reading this news of a six-month pregnant girl who practices (and spreads) an extreme diet during pregnancy. He announced the news of his pregnancy to his thousands of followers a few weeks ago on the social network of Instagram photos, and has generated quite controversy. Of course, seeing her photographs is hard to believe that she is in the 25th week of pregnancy, she is very thin and although it is true that women do not have to gain weight at the same rate, she looks very thin (even bypassing the gut, his legs and arms are very thin).

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Today, September 9 (9 of 9, for the months of pregnancy), World Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Day is celebrated, a day of international awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Although it has been known for many years that alcohol consumption during pregnancy causes mental retardation and malformations at birth, together with other physical and psychological complications, this preventable disorder affects 1% of the population of the countries of the European Union.

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Although campaigns are often done to remember that during pregnancy it is not advisable to drink a drop of alcohol, the figures of pregnant women who prove it show that much remains to be done. Between 25 and 45 percent of women consume alcohol during pregnancy, a habit behind Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (SAF), the first cause of irreversible but avoidable mental retardation.

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Omega 3 is a type of unsaturated fats that is essential for the proper functioning of the body and, above all, it can benefit us during pregnancy, therefore, try not to miss this summer at your table to take care of your health and that of the child in developing. What omega 3 offers us in pregnancy Omega 3 in the body favors blood circulation by contributing to the reduction of bad cholesterol and preventing its accumulation in the arteries.

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With summer and vacations it is common to change habits and modify the foods we choose to incorporate into the daily diet, but it is important to avoid foods that can cause illness or affect the normal course of pregnancy. To do this, here are some foods that you should be careful with in summer.

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The skin during pregnancy can also suffer the effects of hormonal changes that occur with pregnancy, therefore, more than ever we must be careful and take care of the skin in summer with basic measures before the sun and with the help of food that we eat The hormones during pregnancy can stimulate the production of melanin, a substance responsible for giving color to the skin, therefore, dark spots may arise in addition to the classic dryness or burns that exposure to the sun can cause.

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During pregnancy, the woman's urinary tract is more prone to the multiplication of bacteria, which results in the infection of urine being a fairly frequent infection during pregnancy. There is a natural way to prevent this disease, and it is the red or American cranberry ("cranberry"), a fruit that has demonstrated its properties to prevent urinary infections.

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The hormonal changes that occur with pregnancy also modify the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and these changes, together with the high summer temperatures, can give rise to a decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, we tell you how to prevent hypotension with a good diet.

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With pregnancy and more bulky belly, it is common to have digestive discomfort, but if we add to that a change in the routine of the holidays, with different meals and changed schedules, the problems can be accentuated, so, today we leave some tricks to avoid heavy digestions in summer.

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From six months of age, babies start eating other foods besides breast milk, the most common being fruit, vegetables, cereals and meat. Of these, the latter is the most important because of a need: from six months onwards, babies begin to need an extra supply of zinc and iron and meat is a good source of both.

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Adequate fluid intake is essential at all stages of life for the body to function properly, however, hydration during pregnancy becomes more important, because for adequate pregnancy it is necessary that there is no lack of water in the diet. The importance of hydrating correctly during pregnancy During pregnancy, there are some changes in the body of the pregnant woman that increase the water requirements, as well as increasing the body weight and being a large part of it because of a higher plasma volume , the cost of pregnancy requires liquids in adequate quantities.

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We have already said that with a good diet we can better tolerate heat during pregnancy, but we must also take into account that we cannot risk getting sick because of what we eat, so today we show you some safe foods to consume in summer if you are pregnant . The first thing to keep in mind is that in summer, more than ever, we should eat fresh foods, with high water content and also, with varied vitamins and minerals in their composition as well as, with antioxidants that help us face the sun with health .

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Summer has begun, the highest temperatures begin to feel and especially if you are pregnant, you need to take measures to deal with the heat, so on this occasion we propose to beat the high temperatures with a good diet. Good diet, better heat tolerance A good diet, in which nutrients are not lacking or too much, can greatly facilitate heat tolerance, allowing to cope with high temperatures with more vitality, less discomfort and, above all, without risks.

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Proteins have been persecuted for a few years at a nutritional level, because of the burden that is assumed that they place on the kidneys, giving greater importance in the diet to carbohydrates, which give us energy. For some time now, however, these premises are being modified a little because more hydrates, more weight, more obesity and more heart and other problems.

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