Awesome 3D animation: pregnancy from within in four minutes

How does a life arise? How is a baby gestated and formed until birth? These are questions that humanity has been asking for thousands of years and for which more or less magical, more or less approximate and finally more or less accurate answers have already been obtained.

Undoubtedly, today we are privileged because thanks to medical research and technology we can discover that "miracle" of life as if we lived from within, without any detail escaping. And so it happens in this stunning 3D animation that shows pregnancy from within in four minutes.

This is an adaptation of a French documentary called "The Odyssey of Life", which shows the creation of a baby's life from within and has already had several video summaries of which we have spoken. On this occasion, it is Medicine Forever who has adapted the 3D animation of pregnancy from within in four minutes, with a beautiful almost epic music, selecting the main moments of that fetal development.

In the original documentary, animated images are mixed by computer together with the recording of a real mother throughout the pregnancy. In this video, only digitally recreated images have been selected that allow us to perfectly understand the eclosion of life, how the fetus develops over nine months, from conception to childbirth.

We can see the arrival of the sperm to the ovule, the implantation of the embryo, how the blood circulates through the fetus, the formation of the baby's sex, the gestures it makes as it grows inside the uterus, its small discoveries, how it goes establishing neural connections, developing your senses and becoming increasingly aware ...

In the end, the moment of birth arrives in which the baby crosses the birth canal thanks to the fabulous mechanism of the woman's body that adapts to the small one and "makes room" so that it can pass, through dilation and contractions. The little boy's head, with the fontanelles not yet melted, helps in this process.

We hope you enjoy the stunning 3D animation that shows delivery from within in four minutes. A video to remember, to learn, to be surprised and excited to see how wise nature is, capable of making "simple" something so complex and wonderful ...

Video | TVuol
In Babies and more | This is how the baby is formed inside the mother's womb: animated graphic, amazing video of the gestation of a baby, Making room for the baby: an interactive illustration that shows the inside of the pregnancy

Video: Fertilization (July 2024).