What you should keep in mind before joining a maternity group on social networks

We live in a time when technology allows us to have almost all the information we want at our fingertips. Simply having a smartphone to do a quick search on the Internet that helps us solve our doubts. As social beings that we are, technology has also allowed us to connect with other people even if they are not close to us.

This is how online parenting groups and forums have emerged, where millions of mothers enter daily. But like any practice we do online, it must be done with certain considerations. We share you what you should keep in mind before joining a maternity group on social networks.

Like any modern or contemporary mother, surely you've ever turned to our friend Google to answer any questions you had or find information about something about your children. And like most, you will have encountered Online groups and communities of women from all over the world, where together they share the day to day of their maternity with other mothers.

The creation of these spaces has definitely covered a need that was being presented by the lifestyle we now lead: many women live their maternity alone because they are the only ones of their groups of friends who are already mothers or because they raise their children away from their family.

But before entering any maternity group on social networks, There are some things, both good and bad, that you should keep in mind and then I'll share you

You do community

The main advantage and objective of creating these groups is precisely that, to create an online community where you can share opinions, ask questions and even ask for some advice. With time and frequent coexistence, that It goes from being just a consultation space to a true community where you feel welcome.

You find mothers similar to you

One of the wonders that I see in social networks is the ability to connect with people who are similar to you or with whom you share the same interests. Thus, mothers who move to a certain city can look for other mothers in their area, or mothers whose children have a medical condition may find support groups, regardless of where they are.

Maternity groups They open an unlimited door to connect and share with people who have the same needs as you and who share similar lifestyles. All this will make you feel less alone or confused, despite perhaps not being physically close to other mothers.

You will meet different mentalities

Just as you can find mothers who share your same interests or whose needs are similar to yours, within the maternity groups in social networks you will also find other mothers who think differently from you.

Within the upbringing there are different currents or styles in the different themes that are included in it: the feeding (that if you give it a tit or you choose a bottle), the discipline or style of upbringing (if they are tiger, helicopter or corral parents). Here the most important thing is respect the opinions that are different from ours and always turn respectfully towards others.

They are not a doctor replacement

Many times when we are new mothers and we have some doubt, our first impulse is to ask some other experienced mom we know, either to give us their opinion or to give us a recommendation on what we should do.

Within maternity groups, it is common to ask questions about situations that occur with children, but When it comes to your health, it is best to ask the doctor directlyWell, nobody will know better than him.

In conclusion, maternity groups are a great tool to not feel alone in parenting and to be able to find other moms related to us, but we must always remember to use them responsibly and intelligently.

Video: Q&A: Social Media, Grad Programs, and Pregnancy! (July 2024).