The three bases of your child's learning: the game

We talked yesterday about the first of the three fundamental bases of your child's learning: the error. Today we will deal with another fundamental one: the game.

The game

The game is the second indispensable basis of human learning. We like playing so much that we continue to do it as adults, although it is in childhood when this behavior is a huge and vital necessity. Yes, vital.

It is a natural impulse that emerges from the child and which aims at the enjoyment of new knowledge, the search for answers about himself and the world. Children need to play and play a lot.

If we make a weekly schedule of our son we will see that, if we leave him, his main activity will be the game. The more we allow free play, accompanied if the child requires it or alone, the more the child will learn to play, which is key to its development.

It is sad to see those children who do not know how to play, who get bored because they have never been able to do so at will. I would even tell you that interrupting a child's play is a serious offense and that we should only do so if it is really indispensable.

And returning to the issue of schedules, I invite you to do so. If your children are young, they may not have too many obligations, but when they start school, the situation becomes worrying.

In Primary they begin with a tight school day, homework and extracurricular, to which are added transportation, food, hygiene. And of course, television ... add and add hours and we find that children barely have a couple of hours a day to get to know each other and play whatever they want.

The game It favors the integral development of the child, both of his body and his mind and emotions. You will learn about human relationships, physics, chemistry, Nature, the human body, diseases, physical limits, your own and other people's emotions.

Consider that the game is perhaps the most necessary activity for your children and give them time and space to do it.

Tomorrow we will continue talking about this topic and we will dedicate ourselves to the third of the three bases of your child's learning: natural socialization.