Tomato in infant feeding

One of the foods that is advisable to include in infant feeding is tomato, especially in summer. The causes are several, it is a moisturizing food since it presents up to 90% of water, in addition its vitamin contribution is very important, vitamins A, C, E or B3, they are vitamins that contribute to improve the development of children already prevent different pathologies, such as anemia.

We must also mention that it is a food rich in phosphorus, calcium or potassium, hence it is also a food used when there is a disease related to teething. Getting used to children to the taste of tomato is something that parents should do at an early age, its sweet and rich flavor allows it to be accepted very willingly by the children's palate. When it comes to providing tomatoes to your children, keep in mind that it is necessary to wash them very well to avoid the dreaded food poisoning that usually happens during the summer.

The World Health Organization and other organizations recommend that children and vegetables be included in the diet, for this the 5-day campaign reminds you how important it is that these foods are present in your daily diet to effectively prevent diseases and grow healthily.

On the 5 a day website they provide you with some tips for children to enjoy these foods in a more suggestive and fun way.

Video: Feeding Babies: Starting Solid Foods. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).