Inside Out: the movie that every educator and child, from 7 years old, should watch

Inside Out, or Reverse, or Intensely (in America), it's the last Disney Pixar movie and on Saturday we were lucky to see it in Spain because Novotel invited us to the preview and you know what? I think it should be mandatory in primary. Pixar has created a masterpiece of animation, but also a unique product for children to improve their emotional intelligence and parents and teachers, we help them. Here goes my experience, no spoilers, quiet.

With what it has cost, and continues to record, scientists and specialists, set the boundaries between emotions, thinking and the brain, Pixar, has done something incredible: a metaphor that makes it happen in just over an hour, great and let's understand our brain and our emotional intelligence.

The film has six protagonists: Riley, a 12-year-old girl, and the five emotions that, within her brain, are activated according to the situation and help her be who she is. Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Fear and Anger ... Although the reality is that there are more emotions that make up our mood (the number varies according to different schools of psychology) and our personality, Pixar stayed with these five. Enough to understand how our mind works and our feelings. Above all, when it is time to grow and grow older, which is what begins to happen to our little protagonist.

In a very fun and beautiful way, the film tells basic principles of psychology, how for example, that there are some essential memories that make up our personality and that within each one there are some pillars or values ​​that mark our actions. Dreams, imagination, thought, the subconscious ... also appear in the film in the form of territories where these emotions and feelings move to live a great adventure.

We watched the movie as a family, with my nine and twelve year old daughters and we loved it, we laughed, we cried, we laughed again, we cried again ... But they also left there knowing a little more about themselves: Why, sometimes, did the cable crosses you, how you have to live with optimism to get new challenges. How even disgust, fear, sadness or crying have their function for human beings to continue on this planet. Children under 7 years old, they are sure to have fun, will see an interesting movie, but I am not sure that they fully understand and internalize this great work that Pixar has done.

If I had to put a catch, is that the prota has no brothers. A little "metaphor" would be fine to understand how we behave with them and they with us. But it would be more than complex ... I don't know how it would be to add more ingredients to this movie. Sometimes, for things to be perfect, you have to know where to stop.

I saw the advance teaser a long time ago, and the movie promised. For fun. As well. Do not disappoint, have fun and surprise all the time, and above is a lesson in psychology and emotional education. Here I leave it for you to open your mouth.

Highly recommended, a good family chat after seeing Inside out about what we feel, what emotions are those that lead us to the tantrum in the morning, or the crossing of cables that makes us sad at night. In our case, my oldest daughter asked something very nice: "What emotions do you think predominate in my personality?" A good question that maybe we should all ask ourselves. Older and small. True? We all started talking about that topic, trying to explain how we are and also talking about what it means to grow.

By the way, it is a great work also in the technical and artistic part. Is Pixar, Of course, we already knew that. But it must also be said: wonderful. The premiere in Spain is next July 17.

More information | 'Del reverse' ('Inside Out'), a triumph for Pixar and the original cinema

Video: Movies I Thought Were Weird (July 2024).