They promote the change of position to work before risks for pregnancy or lactation

About a year ago, VelSid would tell us something that not all working women who become pregnant know, that They have the right to request a change of position within the company if there is any risk for her or her baby, however small.

It should be the initiative of entrepreneurs to offer it, but we know that this is rarely done.

Maybe the new measure announced by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs tempts them, since sometimes it is too much to ask for humanity to protect the pregnant woman, maybe saving some money interests them.

As of 2008, Social Security will receive a discount of 50% of the contribution when women for risk during pregnancy or breastfeeding change jobs in the company.

The measure aims to promote the right of women to change jobs or develop a different function in cases determined by the Occupational Risk Prevention Law.


Working in contact with toxic products such as hairdressers, handling heavy loads ... there are many situations that can carry some kind of risk for the future mother or baby. Hopefully this measure will help reduce them.

Video: Breastfeeding (July 2024).