Griezmann applauds the strength of Manu, a 9-year-old athlete, with prosthetic legs

The journalist Joaquín Finat, who is dedicated to adapted sports, hung on the net a video of Manu, a 9-year-old boy who plays soccer with a prosthetic leg, swimming and running.

In the tweet he appears with the shirt of Atlético de Madrid with the number 7 of his idol, Griezmann. The player decided to retweet it as a sign of admiration for the little one, with the message of “Wow !! Bravo my friend. ”

The video of Finat, in which the little one is seen overcoming obstacles on a running track, has been played more than 449,000 times.

Waouh !! BRAVO MON AMI //

- Antoine Griezmann (@AntoGriezmann) August 24, 2018

The benefits of sport

At this point in our lives, no one doubts the numerous benefits that children have to perform any physical activity: they improve their physical and emotional health. And studies constantly appear that add to the practice of sport some extra quality. Among others, it helps asthmatic children control their disease, improves brain development and helps prevent bullying.

And exercise is equally important in cases of children with disabilities (or even more). It is very advisable that they start from an early age to perform some adapted sport as a method to obtain social integration, autonomy and a desire for greater personal improvement.

According to the Higher Institute of Social and Social Studies (ISES), these are some of the many benefits generated by adapted sports in children with disabilities:

  1. Teamwork. In team sports, children will learn to work together to achieve their goals. In an individual sport, teamwork will also be necessary, since in training they will interact with other children with their same goals, and with coaches that will help them improve together.

  2. Channel energy. A child needs to release energy and not lead a sedentary life (whether or not he has a disability). Sport is the best option to achieve it.

  3. Make new friends. Becoming part of a team, whether to compete in a group or individually, helps children meet other people who share their motivations and tastes.

  4. New challenges and motivations. It will increase your desire for improvement and your desire to achieve goals.

And to all this we must also add greater emotional well-being, since the practice of sport generates a greater number of endorphins and increases the production of serotonin (happiness hormone) increasing our positive emotions.

So, cheer up Manu! You can

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