Autism in babies and children: everything you need to know

Last April 2 was the World Day to Raise Autism and as you will have noticed in Babies and more we are dedicating several articles to Autism Spectrum Disorder because many children are affected more and more, and because the most important thing to help them and their parents is that we all become aware of what autism is.

If a few moments ago Lola has brought us a great video in which we can see and hear what the life of a child with autism is like, now we are going to explain what it is, why it occurs, what it behaves and other questions and questions that may arise about it. Let's talk about Autism in infants and children and to explain everything we think you need to know.

What is autism?

It is a neurological disorder that is part of a group of disorders called ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), which affects the ability to communicate and interact with others in a more or less intense way. It is more frequent in boys (four boys for each girl) and is independent of ethnicity or social class.

It is characteristic of people with autism to have repetitive behaviors and have routines that can be followed obsessively, although the symptoms can be mild or severe.

A definition that I've always liked a lot about it is what Lorna Wing, a psychiatrist and mother of a girl with ASD, did when she said that autism is:

A continuum that ranges from the most deeply retarded people, both physically and mentally ... to the most capable, really intelligent people, but with great social difficulties such as their unique and subtle disability. It overlaps with learning difficulties and fades into eccentric normality.

When is it known that a child has autism?

Since in the first months and years of life the interaction between children and other children, or with their parents, can be relatively poor (there are children who speak before, others who speak later, and more hustling children and others somewhat less), can be known between two and three years, depending on the severity of the disorder. New research seems to be finding a way to find out much earlier, and this will be positive because early therapies can help children better adapt to the environment and the environment at a time of much development and learning.

In any case, it is usually the parents who give the alarm signal when they have the feeling that it does not do the same as other children or that it even seems that it does less things than other children, although sometimes it is the pediatricians who point it out. to parents, seeing that it does not meet the expected milestones of a child of the specific age.

It may also happen that to the parents' concern comes a little wait advice, because certainly many children have a somewhat slower development, although it is advisable, in case of doubt of the parents, is make an assessment by a specialist, that discards or confirms the disorder.

What is that of the spectrum?

Spectrum is talked about because autism manifests itself in many different ways: not all people with autism act in the same way because in some cases the disorder can be mild and in others very severe. There are children who can go to school with children their age, despite having difficulties in relating to them in some way, and there are others who have more communication difficulties and will even have trouble learning to read and write. There are also those who have many problems with the sensory stimuli they receive (such as the child in the video Lola has put on) and others who do not have so many problems of this type.

Why can a child get autism?

Great question whose answer is the most complicated, because it is not yet possible to determine clearly what the cause is, probably because there doesn't seem to be a single one. It seems that genetic inheritance is quite strong, given that there is a large number of genes related to the disorder, but genetics cannot explain everything because if not, parents or other relatives would have it too.

This means that there seems to be one or more triggers that cause it, whether in pregnancy, in childbirth or once the baby is born. For example, it has been seen that many children with autism have been since pregnancy, and that it could be related to infections, suffering from preeclampsia or the use of antidepressants. It also seems that eating fish and taking folic acid helps decrease the risk of having a baby with autism.

The possible relationship between synthetic oxytocin which is used in a large number of births and the increased likelihood of autism in the baby, and despite the fact that the debate about vaccines and autism is still hot, no direct relationship between a thing and to date has been found other.

Is there a cure for autism?

There is no cure and that is why it is said that It is a disorder that is dealt with a lifetime. But there is no moment does not mean that there is no hope, because in countries like the US We are working on a law that would serve to protect and finance the investigation of a disorder that is increasingly numerous.

On the other hand, although there is no cure, yes there are therapies that can help children, especially when the detection is early, because your brain is growing and developing and you can promote the creation of new neural connections based on games, music therapies, animals, etc., that help the child to relate better with the rest.

What if I think my son has autism?

If you think I could have autism the best thing is not to have the doubt and discuss it with your pediatrician, because the sooner the diagnosis is made, the sooner you can start acting and the better the prognosis. As we have already explained, there are children who cannot go to school with children their age, but many others do, and grow and move forward with them.

And how is it diagnosed?

The diagnosis is made by a professional based on the observation of the child in different situations and activities, talking with the parents, interacting with the child, seeing how he plays, how he relates to others, etc. In any case, so that you can get an idea of ​​whether your baby or child could have an autism spectrum disorder, tomorrow we will explain what you have to take into account if you have suspicions about it.

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Video: Raising a child with an autism spectrum disorder (May 2024).