Five advantages of having young children at home

Sometimes I remember what my life was like before I was a mother. If I start thinking negatively focusing on what I no longer have, I could say that before I had more free time to do the things I like or I could sleep as much as I wanted. But I think that an important part of being happy is not thinking about what we no longer have and focusing on enjoying the present.

Being a mother of young children can sometimes be a challenge, but it definitely also has its joys and, of course, its benefits. That's why I share you Five advantages of having young children at home.

You become more sure of yourself

When did you imagine having someone clapping and shouting in excitement for the magnificent - and out of tune - interpretation of your favorite song? Children love it when others make them laugh and what better to see mom or dad doing the clown To enjoy both a good time.

Just put a song that both of you like or even one that your child doesn't know and prepare to give the best concert of your life. The applause will not wait and you will have your mini audience asking for more and even singing with you. It is also beneficial for them, since singing and dancing with them helps improve their hearing development.

You have a mini helper

While it is true that they are not the best help because sometimes more than just ordering, they mess up, it is tender and fun to see their willingness to do things. To the kids They like to observe and imitate everything we do, and feeling that they are part of the activities of the house is something that gives them great pleasure.

Take advantage of this short stage in which They are small and are excited to help you. They can put the clothes together in the washing machine or pass the ingredients if you are old enough to help you with some things in the kitchen, such as preparing some sandwiches or decorating some biscuits.

You share your hobbies with someone

Whether it's about watching your favorite movie, playing sports or even gardening, your kids will love it because children regularly become fans of what their parents like.

When they are in that tender age, almost everything that mom or dad do is for them the most fun and interesting thing in the world. So enjoy those moments and create an even stronger bond with your child, sharing a special activity that is only yours.

You exercise your creativity and imagination

I love it when my daughter is playing and invites me to join. It is fun and challenging for me at the same time. Sometimes we play racing, sometimes we drink tea. Sometimes I am his patient and others we are professional footballers. I could sit there watching her play happily in life and likewise make my day.

But when he invites me to be part of the game, He gives me his motivation and I feel like I'm slowly getting into the role in turn. Playing with a child sometimes requires a little creativity, and as a mother, you will know how important it is to have imagination, because it not only serves us when it comes to play, it is also very useful to answer the curious or funny questions that They make us.

You laugh every day

When our children start talking, a stage begins that will be full of anecdotes. The innocence and natural curiosity of a child gives rise to many funny questions and answers that will certainly make us laugh on more than one occasion.

I do not remember a single day when my daughter has not made me smile, either by making a funny face, saying a word in a tender way or even making some surprising mischief that causes us a laugh. ** It has definitely taught me to laugh more of things **.

Yes, life was very different before I was a mother, but I would not miss any of these advantages for anything in the world. Because even the most difficult stages, like the famous two terrible years, have their positive side.

What advantages do you have when you have young children at home?

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