The delivery of the second real baby is news because Kate Middleton was attended only by midwives and probably without epidural

In Babies and more We do not usually abuse the news of celebrities because the fact that they are pregnant or have been mothers is not something that interests us too much (that's why our Poprosa colleagues are already there), but we do mention them when they do or stop doing according to what, because being famous their acts are known by many people and in many cases it is worth explaining whether it is recommended or not (I mean, above all, when scheduled caesarean sections are done without medical reason).

In the case of the recent birth of the second royal baby, well known for being the second of Kate Middleton and Prince William, who on this occasion is a girl, the news is that she could have chosen the birth she wanted (should not be so , but you know that with money you can choose a la carte) chose to give birth with the only assistance of two midwives and most likely without epidural. Consequence? A few hours later, she came out to the door cooler than a rose, with her baby and her husband, to present the girl in society and let herself be taken, among others, the photo that heads this entry.

Why give birth without epidural?

It is the question that many women ask themselves, which often add that "if I don't get a tooth without anesthesia, why give birth without it?" The logical answer is that a tooth ends in the trash but the baby obviously does not. Come on, when it comes to making a tooth, it doesn't matter if you have anesthesia or not, because the extraction technique is the same (The difference is that in one way it does not hurt and in the other it does), but at the time of giving birth there are many differences, because without anesthesia you can adopt the position that you really want (and never better say the real thing) and with anesthesia not so much, mainly because it is usually accompanied by oxytocin and serums and this already limits you a lot, being usual for the mother to stay in bed waiting for the moment of expulsion.

Waiting, because with the epidural you run the risk of slow down labor and make dilation longer. In addition, when losing sensitivity, the woman stops noticing the contractions and loses the possibility of pushing well at the right time, increasing the risk of instrumental and cesarean delivery.

Why give birth to midwives?

Because in general, deliveries attended by midwives turn out to be less instrumental (less anesthesia, less caesarean sections, less episiotomies, less forceps and less windy) and this, obviously, is positive for both mother and baby. For the occasion, Kate Middleton decided to give birth with doctors in another room, waiting in case her presence was required.

Take out the girl like who goes to the sink

My mother-in-law always says, and I have already told you this, that she gave birth without epidural and that for her, her two births were like going to crap (She is very fine speaking, you see): go, get the girls, stay so calm and make a normal life. Something like that is probably what happened last Saturday when Princess Kate gave birth to her daughter after she went into labor at dawn. He entered the health center at 6 in the morning and two and a half hours later his daughter was born. A few hours later, with an enviable appearance, he went out with Prince William to smile happily at the cameras.

And this, what happened, is what should happen in all births. There, in northern Europe, it is normal. They consider that normal deliveries must be attended by midwives and that gynecologists should only act in case it is strictly necessary, precisely to try to ensure that a woman is not attended (and bothered) by many people and because in normal conditions it is enough with someone prepared to give love, support and support ( remember that giving birth is not a disease).

What about our country and Latin countries? It can be branded almost as "nonsense." An attention to childbirth where the infantilization of women, obstetric violence prevails, where the ability to decide is removed and where there is a large deficit of midwives and too many gynecologists generates the figures we already know: too many episiotomies, too many instrumentalized deliveries and too many caesarean sections.

That is why today we talk about the second real baby, because Kate Middleton showed us on Saturday that, being able to choose the birth she had chosen, she decided to opt for the best for her and her baby.

Video: EXCLUSIVE Kate Middleton Really Wants To Give Birth At Home For Her Third Baby', See A Detail. .! (June 2024).