Paternity leave of five weeks and aid of one thousand euros for the nursery, one step closer

Albert Rivera announced this morning that he has reached an agreement with the Government to approve tomorrow the referral to the Courts of the bill of the General State Budget for the year 2018. These accounts include several measures, and especially two very important for parents Spaniards: the extension of the paternity leave from four to five weeks and aid of one thousand euros per year deduction per child in childcare.

This last measure consists of aid so that families with children aged 0 to 3 can pay for daycare, which will be articulated through a negative tax.

Recall that the extension of the paternity leave was frozen pending the approval of the PGE and could not enter into force on January 1, 2018 as planned.

Now the situation has been unlocked with the support of Citizens for the approval of the general accounts of the State, giving one more step towards final approval and its effective entry into force.

When would it take effect?

How is the process going now? After its approval, on Tuesday, April 3, the Government will present the yellow book of the new public accounts in Congress, which will begin its parliamentary process that will last about three months.

During the month of April the appearances of the high positions in the Congress and the debate of totality will take place, previous presentation of the amendments to the totality and to the articulated one, and foreseeably in May the approval in the Congress will take place, to arrive in June to the Senate and continue its processing until its final approval in the middle of that month of June.

The Government trusts in obtaining the support of the PNV and the rest of the parties to be able to implement the package of measures contemplated in the PGE, which in addition to the ones we mentioned include decreases in personal income tax, decrease in VAT of cinema and increases for pensioners and officials . We are one step closer, but we still have to wait a few months to make it a reality.

Via | Telecinco
In Babies and more |

Video: Lakeview Terrace (July 2024).