Differentiate between food allergy and intolerance

The first years of a child's life is when they can show a food allergy, they affect 6% of children who are less than three years old and the most frequent allergy is usually the one they have with cow's milk.

The reactions are immediate, can suffer hives, asthma and pain in the digestive system. Although in most cases, allergies disappear in a short time, in other cases they remain for many years and even become perpetual.

Differentiate between food allergy and intolerance It is important, since intolerance refers to any counterproductive effect due to a food and this includes an allergic mechanism or others that are not allergic in nature such as intoxication. To be a food allergy, it must always be produced by an allergic mechanism, motivated by the molecules of food called allergens. In many occasions, the allergy that a child may suffer is due to a genetic transmission, although it is not very clear why some children develop it and others do not, according to research, it is believed that it is a matter of an immunological alteration.

So whenever you notice any adverse reaction to any food, it is best to go to the pediatrician to prevent and thus take appropriate measures.

Video: What is the difference between food allergy and intolerance? (July 2024).