Free vaccine against meningitis in Murcia

The municipality of Murcia intends to provide the vaccine against a form of meningitis to all children born in the community Without representing any cost for parents, remember that this vaccine has a cost of around 80 euros.

The so-called Prevenar vaccine immunizes children against pneumococcal meningitis, responsible for various ailments such as pneumonia or otitis among others. Improving and preventing the health of children is something that administrations should consider as a priority and should not entail any cost, what is the use of the fees we pay to social security? The case is that the City of Murcia is aware of the importance of administering this vaccine to children and therefore has made the relevant negotiations (they must pay for vaccines) so that they are administered free of charge to all children who require it in the Murcia community and will be included in the vaccination calendar.

We think the action of the city council is commendable and that of the Ministry of Health is detestable, remember that in Madrid the vaccine is also administered free of charge, something that should be extended throughout the Spanish territory. The cost of the vaccine would be amortized simply by the fact that not a single child suffered from the terrible disease, hospitalization costs, drugs, pediatric care, etc., far exceed the cost of the vaccine.

Luckily, the initiatives of some communities improve the prevention, health and quality of life of children.

Video: Selective Hearing: Brian Deer and The GMC (July 2024).