Organize the birthday party

For our children, the birthday party is a special celebration. Children are always pending and anxious for the arrival of their birthday, another year that makes them feel growing. Sharing with your friends is day is something that makes them very excited.

Parents not to become a "mess" we must organize the long-awaited celebration in advance. We must decide whether to do it at home, in a restaurant, in the park or somewhere for children's events.

In any case, we must consider some aspects for its organization:

  • The guest list. Let's make sure that the children we are going to invite are contemporaries; that is to say they are about the same age. Also take into account the space you will have, do not invite a battalion.

  • Destine a house space for the celebration. Swim is worth giving instructions of the type: "do not get on the couch", "do not touch that", "care that falls", etc. Choose the living room, dining room and leave the space unfurnished so that children can play and move without difficulties. Only the table where you will put the cake and snack and a few chairs if the parents are going to go will suffice.

  • Plan a game: put the tail on the donkey, a game of riddles, the explosion, musical chairs (you can replace them with cushions on the floor), the paralyzed dance ... Or another activity to calm them when they are very hot: paint a tablecloth, model with modeling clay, make soap bubbles or a fashion super hero movie.

  • Choose a fixed schedule. For example from five to eight. What an idea of ​​the time at which the party ends. Three hours is enough to carry out the planned activities without falling into boredom or collective exaltation.

  • A good idea is to make the birthday cake with your children. Sometimes those sold are very beautiful, but they are not appetizing for the little ones. Try to make the cake yourself. The chocolate one always comes in handy.

  • If the children are going to come without their parents, try to have everyone's phone number to locate them in case of an accident.

  • The piñata for the end of the party always well received by the little ones.

  • No special decoration is necessary, make the decoration using balloons that give the party color. Don't forget the crown for the birthday boy. You can do it with cardboard.

By previously organizing the party I can assure you that it will be a success.

Video: How to Plan a Party! Party Planning Checklist! (July 2024).