Prevent accidents in the children's room

Children are little explorers eager to discover the world at their fingertips and unaware of the dangers lurking around. In the room they spend a good part of the day, so it is better than parents Let's take some safety measures in this part of the house to avoid accidents.

  • Do not place the crib or bed so that they can reach a window, or near curtain ropes or blinds.
  • Place railings on the bed.
  • That the bars of the crib or the bed (if any) are close enough so that the child's head does not fit.
  • Remove stuffed or stuffed toys from the crib.
  • Do not sleep in the same bed as the baby; We could crush it or suffocate it.
  • Protect all plugs in the room.
  • The tips of the beds and furniture should be rounded or protected.
  • Do not leave them alone in the room with stoves on.
  • Close the lockers and do not leave the key within reach.
  • Have no bedside tables or glass ornaments.
  • Do not store dangerous items in the drawers of your room such as scissors or pliers.
  • Remove the key from the door of the children's room.
  • Never leave bags at your fingertips.
  • Do not leave a baby alone for a second in the changing table.

Children under five are statistically the most likely to suffer accidents. Although an accident is something fortuitous and not predictable, it is in our hands to make your little world safer and contribute to reducing the risk of incidents.