Alternative treatments to relieve labor pain

For some women the pain of labor can become really intense, to the limit of the unbearable.

You can always use the epidural, but there are women who run away from drugs to look for more natural alternative ways against labor pains.

A study by the University of Adelaide in Australia scientifically proves that hypnosis and acupuncture are effective complementary measures to cope with pain when giving birth.

The study showed that the need to turn to analgesics in women who were treated with acupuncture decreased by 30%, while in the case of women who performed self hypnosis they were less likely to need pain medication.

Other possible treatments such as massages, relaxation, aromatherapy, acupressure and white noise are also promising for the management of pain during childbirth, although there are still studies to support it.

In any case there is talk of complementary and alternative measures to cope with pain, since in most cases they do not completely eliminate pain as epidural anesthesia can do.

Although if they say that pain is in the mind, maybe these techniques based on the harmony between body and mind can be a good alternative. In addition, they have no adverse effects. Why not.

Video: Managing Labor Pain. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).