The favorite lullaby my son and I will always remember: 15 songs to sleep your baby

By becoming parents, we all continue with the tradition of humming or singing to our children with sweetness so that they fall asleep. Nanas have a powerful calming effect on little ones; Its repetitive rhythm, soft sounds and melodies without too many volume changes help to relax most babies. Although many of them are not strictly nannies, they are songs that parents like and they sing to their children, but they are not the typical lullabies that we all know.

The editors of Babies and more and the rest of the group have compiled some of our favorite nannies, the ones that our children and we will always remember, from traditional lullabies to modern songs with a special meaning for us that we have become nanas. What is that favorite lullaby for you that you will always remember?

'The mornings'

A traditional Mexican lullaby that has been passed from generation to generation, and that although it is a birthday song, it has also become a classic babysitter for children. It is the one that most fondly remembers one of our colleagues, Oscar Bouzo: "It's special because my mother sang it with that voice so sweet it has."


These are the mornings
whats did sing the King David.
To pretty girls
We sing them to you.

Wake up, my good, wake up;
look already dawned.
The little birds already sing;
The moon has already hidden.

How beautiful is tomorrow
when I come to greet you;
we all come with pleasure
and pleasure to congratulate you.

The day you were born
All the flowers were born
On the baptism stack
the Nightingales sang.

It's already dawning
Already daylight gave us
Get up tomorrow
look already dawned.

I would like to be lonely
to enter through your window
and say good morning
lay on your bed

I would like to be a San Juan
I would like to be a San Pedro
to come to say hello
with the music of heaven

It's already dawning
and in the daylight he gave us
get up tomorrow
look already dawned.

'Love tend me'

The mythical romantic song of the rock king can also become a memorable lullaby.

Pedro Santamaría: "My wife sang to them while in the tummy 'Love me tender', and today (five and three years old) they are still asking the mother to sing a little to sleep."

'The Rhythm of the Garage', by Loquillo Y Trogloditas

There are parents who do not do traditional nannies and sing their children their favorite songs but in a quiet version. Our companion María resorted to 'El Ritmo Del Garaje' of Loquillo, 'Corazon Partío', by Alejandro Sanz or 'Déjame', by Los Secretos.

'Corazon Partío', by Alejandro Sanz

'Leave me', from Los Secretos

María Llanos: "I didn't like the usual babysitters so I changed for things that I liked and that I thought they would like. They were special because they were catchy and had little things that they understood. My oldest daughter fell asleep looking at her, but the little girl that it was an earthquake calmed down because he knew them and that gave them security and peace ... He had forgotten Greenland, of the Zombies. He also sang it. It was very hard to sleep. "

'Sleep my child' in Galician

The traditional nana sounds even sweeter in Galician. It is one of the memories our partner Silvia has, and curiously not because her parents will sing it.

Silvia Díaz: "I remember a babysitter who sang our nursery teacher when we were going to take a nap. She would be 4 years old or so ..."

Attention to this beautiful nana in Galician from the book-album "Non hai berce coma o colo" (19 euros on Amazon).

'Arror my boy'

And of course, Silvia also remembers the classic Arroró in Spanish with a version that does not speak of 'coconuts' that take children, but with a more modern and less dramatic lyrics.


My boy terrified,
my sun raged
frightened piece
from my heart.

this cute boy
you want to sleep
and the rogue dream
doesn't want to come

this cute boy
who was born at night
he wants to be taken
to drive

This cute boy
he already wants to sleep;
make him the cradle
of rose and jasmine.

My boy terrified,
my sun raged
fall asleep piece
from my heart.

'Captain Tapon', by Alejandro Sanz

When we ask Silvia which is the favorite babysitter for her children, this Alejandro Sanz fan replies that she has sung all her songs but "My two little ones especially love 'Captain Cap'".

'You are my sunshine'

Lucy Ortega: "It's a song that seems very nice to me from the melody to what it says, because the children really come to enlighten and make us happy even in the gray days."

It is really a beautiful song and a very popular babysitter in the United States. Remember that she is such a beautiful girl who sang a two-year-old boy with Down Syndrome with her older sister.

'Little star where are you'

Lucy Ortega: "It has always seemed very tender to me and now that I am a mom, she invites me to imagine with my daughter."


Little star where are you
I want to see you flicker.

In the sky or over the sea
A real diamond.

Little star where are you
I wonder what you will be.

'The lizard is crying'

Paco Ibáñez's musical adaptation of a poem by Federico García Lorca for children is the favorite babysitter with whom our companion Antonio's daughter fell.

Antonio Ortiz: "I remember that the trick with Daela was to touch her face a little at a time as soon as she was a little sleepy ... she hardly had time to finish the song."

'Desperate Pastor Romance'

Antonio Ortiz: "With Bruno it was very difficult for him to fall asleep, so I almost exhausted the entire romance of Paco Ibañez. This song is the one I remember the most because it was the one he played to reinforce once he had fallen asleep in arms that would not wake up again".

'All ducklings'

Laura Guerrero: "The favorite of my children is not a babysitter in itself, but a version of the ducklings song, which says" The ducklings in the water wagged the tail and they said to each other and that cooler water. " I sing like slow motion without the lyrics and relaxes them ... "

'To sleep'

If you ask me which is my favorite lullaby, one of the classic ones: 'To sleep'. It's special because my mother sang it to my sister and me as a child, and then I sang it to my daughters.


To sleep to sleep
To sleep, my baby.

May your dreams always be
Of love, love and peace.

To sleep my baby
That the angels go
To sing and take care of you
For you to sleep in peace.

To sleep to sleep
To sleep, my baby.
May your dreams always be
Of love, love and peace.

To sleep my baby
That the angels go
To sing and take care of you
For you to sleep in peace.

'Kisses' from El Canto del loco

But what my daughters especially remember is the song 'Kisses' from El Canto del loco. They were sung softly, and they fell asleep because the next morning they knew they would wake up with many kisses.

What song do you sing to your baby? What is the favorite nanny that you and your children will always remember?

Non hai berce coma or colo (Book-disk)

Today in Amazon for € 19

Video: Baby's Favorite Lullaby (July 2024).