What information should we give to the babysitter?

Do you feel uneasy leaving your child with the babysitter? Do you enjoy the show, dinner or any other activity while you are away from home? I understand you and I think this feeling is inevitable, but if we take some precautions and we are clear what information we should provide to the person in charge of our child, the degree of anxiety is reduced and, even, we can relax a little.

Here are some tricks to find a trusted babysitter; Now we will share with you some suggestions to welcome the caregiver and communicate both the basic rules of the operation of your house and its obligations and restrictions. * Basic rules for the babysitter Delimit in detail those things that are forbidden: receiving visitors, leaving home, etc. It will also be very helpful if you leave a written list in case you have to do some housework.

  • About the house Tell me all the details you think will be useful to the babysitter, such as: where are the first aid kit, medications and thermometer; where do you store food and various kitchen utensils; where is the thermal key of the light and what to do in case the leads jump. If you have a baby, tell him where you store everything he needs: diapers, wipes, spare clothes, bibs, ointment, towels, etc.

  • Basic rules for children Can you listen to music while you are absent? What kind of music? Is it allowed to watch TV and for how long? Is there a program you should not watch? The same with video games. It is important that the nanny knows what foods your children can eat and which not, and if anyone has an allergy or problems of intolerance towards any particular food. If any of the children is sick, it is your duty to tell the babysitter, especially if it is a contagious disease; Explain the instructions about the possible medications you should give. Also let me know if children can phone friends, at what times, if there are a number of calls allowed, if they can invite a friend, when and how many, etc.

  • Telephone numbers It is important that you leave a telephone number handy to contact you in case of an emergency. Other important telephones: the pediatrician's or the medical emergency phone number in case any of the children become ill or one who is ill gets worse; that of a neighbor of your trust; the one of the public services: firemen and police, in case something serious happened.

  • Schedules Ideally, leave a schedule in order to organize it better. In it you can record the bath time, dinner time and bedtime. It is important that the nanny knows at what approximate time you plan to return; If you are late, call her on the phone because she can worry. If you arrive too late, pay him a taxi.

Video: Kids Fun TV Grinch Babysitter Compilation Video! Will the Kids Save Christmas? (July 2024).