Stimulation in the fourth month

In this month the movement constitutes one of the most important characteristics. Through the control of their movements, they exercise the ability to carry out more complex activities.

At this stage a great progress is achieved in the movement of hands and arms, manipulation is at this moment very important for the development of the game and thought. The baby stretches the arms to reach the objects, with the open hand ready to grab them.

The child recognizes the mother visually and auditory, and adopts different expressions in front of her according to her mood. Reacts with fear in strange situations. He is interested in his image in the mirror: when he sees himself, he becomes excited and breathes agitatedly.

To stimulate itWhen you are with him, talk to him in a tone of affectionate, tired, cheerful voice so that he becomes familiar with the different moods of the people around him. Put brightly colored flashy objects. Place the child in front of the mirror and say his name: "Here is Andrés." Do it daily.

Also stand in front of him and cover your face with a cloth. As soon as the baby murmurs, take off and let him see you, smile at him and respond to his murmur. Repeat the action, he will soon understand the game and start calling you to appear.

Among the recommended toys for this age are: stackable toys, to fit. Simple black and white drawings, stuffed animals.

Video: Developmental Stages for Baby: 4-6 months - Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center (July 2024).