The holidays are also over for children who are educated at home

And after the holidays, they have also started a new course in which they will learn differently from our children: at home and outside of it, with books or visiting museums, reading and painting, discovering the secrets of physics through experiments ... and above all free of the rigor of lines to enter school, schedules and agendas.

But Summer for these children is not very different from others: plans and illusions, trips to the beach, the mountains or other countries, shows and fun with friends. They have discovered worlds and have skated, they have dug tunnels in the sand and they have also gone into the kitchen with their parents to make delicious sweets.

This is what we see in a video prepared by the Catalan Coordinator for the recognition and regulation of Family Education. A video with many protagonists and a common thread. This thread is a wonderful and endearing song (which passes from generation to generation) interpreted by Jaume Sisa and called "Qualsevol nit for breaking the sun" ("Any night the sun can rise"), which tells us about characters from a story, comic or popular songbooks, gathered to celebrate a Moonlight party.

(In the link that I have inserted on the song title, is the lyrics translated into Spanish)

In the video we see joy, smiles and much love, and the realization that children are not very different from each other, right?

Video: A Japanese Method to Develop Creativity in Kids (May 2024).