Tips to overcome the normal syndrome

As Eva told us a few days ago, children are also victims of post-vacation syndrome. The equivalent of this syndrome in childhood is known as the normality syndrome.

The first days of class, that is, the return to normal, can cause in children a state of tiredness, fatigue and anxiety that in extreme cases can cause depression.

It is possible that the signals that our son gives us are not expressed through sadness, so it is very important that we open our eyes before possible alert attitudes such that the child becomes irritable or aggressive.

Sanitas has developed a list of tips to make it easier for children to return to normal. In addition to those we have already given at the time, we hope that the return to the routine will occur in the most bearable way possible.

Take note:

• Try to get your children to participate in the purchase of school clothes. It must be comfortable, especially the wallet, which also has to be light. The weight of the backpacks must be between 10% and 15% of the body weight of the schoolboy.

• Have the children return to normal routine a few nights before school starts.

• Reassure your children by telling them that their friends will remain in school. If they have had to change to another school, try to encourage them by making them see that new children will feel the same and that it is good to make new friends.

• Give them time to relax after school before starting homework.

• Help them with their homework and teach them to divide the work into smaller and more affordable parts.

• Value your children's achievements in a caring and positive context.

• Encourage them to do some physical activity at the end of the afternoon.

• Help them structure the week, so that there are clearly periods of work and free time. Try to make the most of the weekend, but you have to be flexible, as circumstances and needs will inevitably change on the fly.

• If your children are worried about school, they may turn to food to comfort themselves. Watch your diet and try to convince them not to eat goodies between meals.

• Promise them an excursion to a theme park, go to the movies ... as something special by the end of the first week back to class.

Video: How to overcome hyperventilation: #1 TIP TO STOP A HYPERVENTILATION SYNDROME FOREVER (July 2024).