Unnecessary caesarean sections in private health

Caesarean section is, or should be, an emergency resource to save the life of the mother or baby who is at risk at birth. But the reality is that in some assistance centers, and especially in private ones, it has become an almost routine practice without a medical reason to justify it.

They are the so-called selective, arbitrary or "on demand" caesarean sections that are performed at the choice of the mother or the doctor. They are not all, but many. As published by the newspaper El Mundo, 1 in 3 caesarean sections performed in private centers is unnecessary.

The reasons why some mothers request a caesarean section may be fear of pain in childbirth, because they have had a first caesarean section and have done well in that way, or because they somehow intend to control the date of birth of the baby.

In the case of doctors, for convenience to organize their schedules and to cover their backs to possible legal claims. Not all mothers or all doctors do it, but it happens. But it is not explained so high percentage of caesarean sections in private centers.

In the public sphere the percentage was 21.1%, in private it reached 34.9% in 2005 (according to data from the State of Health Report of the Population of the Community of Madrid 2007). On the other hand, in some private hospitals the percentage is around 40%.

In all cases, the figures are well above 10% -15% of interventions considered by WHO (World Health Organization) as a reasonable percentage, a predictable logical margin for births in which any type of complications could arise .

It is not that more women go with risky deliveries to private health than to public health. In fact, the opposite is true. Half of caesarean sections are performed in urgent deliveries in private than in public, while there are four times more caesarean sections scheduled in the first. Therefore, it follows that there are other reasons behind the complications that arise at the time of delivery. That has made caesarean section a very debatable practice in recent years.

The consequences of a cesarean are not minor. For both the mother and the baby it is a risky intervention that can harm the health of both, especially when it is practiced without cause. To name a few, from increased risk of death, illnesses, problems in the baby's respiratory functions, to hemorrhages and complications in future pregnancies for the mother.

On the other hand, yesterday we were talking about a study that pointed out the risks of having a C-section before the 39th week of gestation. Although from week 37 is considered a term gestation, the difference of a few days may be essential for the health of the baby.

Apparently, the health authorities have taken note and have implemented the Plan of Strategy for normal delivery care, with the aim of reducing intervention in childbirth. But it is also important for parents to know that it is harmful to have a C-section when birth can occur naturally.

Video: Private hospitals perform C-section births for financial benefits - TV9 (July 2024).