Pregnant women drink more coffee than recommended

Doctors agree that drinking too much coffee during pregnancy is not recommended. Several studies have shown the complications that can trigger an excess of this substance. It has been linked to an increased risk of abortion, premature delivery and low birth weight.

Despite this, a recent study carried out in Granada has revealed that more than a third of pregnant women have caffeine consumption above recommended levels.

But one of the most worrisome data that emerges from the research is that almost 45 percent of women do not change their consumption when they learn that they are pregnant, and that some even increase it.

The question is what is the recommended level? Some suggest that it should not exceed 50 milligrams a day, the equivalent of half a cup, however months ago the English authorities recommended not exceeding two daily cups of coffee, approximately the equivalent of 200 milligrams.

The truth is that we milligram more, milligrams less coffee can have no desired effects for the baby, so during pregnancy it is preferable to change habits and replace traditional coffee with coffee with a lower caffeine content or replace one of the cups daily for an infusion.

Video: Salena Zanotti, . - 'Diet Soda during Pregnancy Could Mean an Overweight Child Later' (July 2024).