Meals suitable for when constipated

Constipation is a situation that all children will suffer at some point in their childhood. Here we list some foods that are more suitable when children are constipated, because they will help regulate intestinal transit.

Basically we will try to increase the contribution of water and fiber, present in abundance in many fruits, vegetables and vegetables. A diet rich in these foods will help fight constipation.

Except for the green banana and apple, which can be astringent, the rest of the fruits (especially plums and kiwis) are very rich in fiber.

Chicken, turkey, rabbit or fish (provided they are already included in the complementary diet) are softer than beef, less recommended in case of constipation.

As for cereals, rice is the least recommended (unless it is integral), and the rest of cereals, especially whole grains, favor intestinal transit. Flaxseeds also favor the evacuation and softening of feces.

But if meals are important, they are no less another part of our diet, drinks. If the baby breastfeeds, we will continue to offer milk frequently, because the more hydrated they are, the better the stool will be evacuated. The same with water, which should be taken abundantly and preferably to other liquids (sugary juices, soft drinks ...).

Remember that constipation can come with the first porridge or with a change of diet, with stressful situations for the child (change of house, school starts ...) ...

The important thing is that in a situation of recurrent or persistent constipation we turn to the pediatrician to assess the child's situation, ruling out other problems and recommend the most appropriate diet for constipation.

Video: Diets & Healthy Eating : How to Diet for Constipation (July 2024).