Verdeliss publishes the full video of his premature birth and receives a barrage of criticism on social networks

Verdeliss, the famous youtuber and former GHVip contestant gave birth to their seventh daughter on January 31, a girl who was born with 31 weeks gestation. After breaking the bag prematurely, it remained under control and monitoring for a few days until little Miren arrived in the world.

Yesterday, about two months after birth, the Pamplona influencer posted on his YouTube channel the complete process of childbirth, counting with great detail what happened in each moment, with explicit content. It is not the first time, he also recorded a video when his twins were born.

Complete video of premature delivery of Verdeliss

Twelve days after breaking waters, the influencer begins the video telling that it was a cloudy day and that he had never imagined that he would end the day with his girl in his arms. He was about to get to work when he began to notice the first contractions.

From there, the increasingly strong contractions and active labor begin until, frightened, she realizes that there is no turning back. He has experience in births and knows that the time has come. Cevicometry confirms that the cervix has been shortened by half and is taken to the dilation room: "They're going to lower us, I'm scared."

In Babies and more Verdeliss gave birth to his seventh daughter, a baby born with 31 weeks gestation

In the dilation room (they did not reach the operating room), always with the camera on, record the moment when the little girl comes to the world and the first moments of his daughter's life.

The video has been watched by more than eight hundred thousand people in one day and it's a trend on YouTube.

Criticism and praise in social networks

How far are you going to go, Verdeliss? Is so much overexposure necessary, especially in those painful and intimate moments when a baby comes into the world? Are some of the criticisms that have been made to the influencer, how are you that we can see on Twitter:

Verdeliss should be a matter for the Prosecutor.

- Zutano (@xZutano) March 26, 2019

I quite like Verdeliss really. On the one hand it seems nice to me that she shares her birth and how she felt and everything but already literally recording how the girl comes out from there seems a bit excessive

- z u f r i e (@zufrie_) March 25, 2019

Hey, what about Verdeliss do you see minimally normal? What he is doing with his premature daughter makes me very disgusted and rejected
That I am of the opinion that everyone does what they want with their lives but when they include another person (and more than 1 minor) there are limits

- TOUƆHÉ (@ Touche3196) March 26, 2019

Apart from these criticisms, there is a collection of signatures called "No to child exploitation on YouTube" in which they request the closure of their channel claiming that they use their children.

In Babies and more Verdeliss admitted due to premature rupture of the bag: all about this complication in pregnancy

But it was not all negative. He also received praise from some of his followers who appreciate being so open and telling his life as it is:

Awesome video of Miren's birth. Both Aritz and @Verdeliss_ are awesome. What I like most about you is the naturalness with which you make us part of your day to day. I am very supportive of you and I congratulate you on the family you have created.

- beatrice destarac (@beatricedestara) March 25, 2019

Beautiful video so natural, that's the same life exciting gentlemen @verdeliss you are a champion thanks for showing this video and my anger to that team.

- pilar Fernández (@ pilifs2590) March 26, 2019

There is no doubt that the influencer has no qualms about showing his intimacy, and it is precisely what many are grateful that he shows a birth as it is, however there are also many who believe that it is an overexposure without limits. What do you think?

Video: The professionalization of YouTubers: the case of Verdeliss and the brands (July 2024).