What do you value when choosing the school for your children ?: the question of the week

Like every week today we are going to talk about the question of the week, proposing a question to give us your answers and taking a look at what we asked you last Wednesday, valuing what your answers are.

We are in the era of choice of schools. Fathers and mothers from all over Spain are visiting centers to see what the operation is and choose the school they like best.

There are parents who simply choose proximity. Others have no qualms about moving away from home if it means they can enroll their children in a school closer to their philosophy of education.

We ask you what are the criteria you use to choose the school and, if your child already goes to school, which ones did you use in his day.

What do you value when choosing the school for your children?

From today you have a week to go answering that question in the Answers section (if you reply here in this post the message will not be taken into account) and next Wednesday we will comment on the most voted or most interesting interventions.

Last week's question

Last week we asked you: Do you feel closer to any of your children? to see what you thought about it.

The answer with the highest score in the votes was that of floripondi, which tells us the following:

Well, I adore my two children, a girl and a boy, the girl is the oldest but I see my son's development and I see that he will be stronger less fearful than my daughter, the girl was scared and scared everything, is super noobota, is put in a row for example and in the end all the partners are straining and the last one is left because he is unable to say anything and so many things, instead my son is a bull even when it is done It cries, of course, it is clear but it passes quickly and as if it does not take fear of the place or the circumstance that has hurt it, something that with my daughter did not happen, that is why I see her weaker, I think I have a preference for her, although I really love my two children more than my life, but the instinct of protection seen as seen is more in favor of the girl.

The rest of the comments agree that there is a certain preference for one of the children, because he is the one who was born first and there was more time exclusively with him or because he is the child who has needed more support for being sick or being smaller than the rest.

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it Please do so in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.