The smallest artificial heart in the world saves the life of a baby

It is amazing how medical advances and achievements are achieved thanks to them, saving the lives of people who had not survived before. The smallest artificial heart in the world saves a baby's life in Italy.

It was the doctors at the Bambino Gesu Hospital in Rome who managed to successfully implant the smallest artificial heart in the world, weighing just 11 grams, to a 16-month-old baby. In this way the little one has managed to stay alive for 13 days until he was found a donor and could undergo a transplant.

The operation was carried out last month but has not been made public until this week and most importantly: the baby, whose identity has remained anonymous, evolves well.

The boy suffered from dilated cardiomyopathy, a disease that affects the heart muscle gradually weakening the heart, stopping its ability to pump blood effectively. He had had surgery before, which made the implant difficult.

Those responsible describe the operation as a "milestone", and point out that although the device is currently used as a bridge until the arrival of the transplant, in the future it could be a permanent solution.

The smallest artificial heart in the world It was developed by an American doctor, a technological marvel that had previously only been tested on animals, so for its use an authorization was requested from the Italian Ministry of Health. Congratulations to the little one, his family and the doctors who have made this feat possible.

Video: Mechanical Heart Saves Boy's Life (July 2024).