The Congress of Deputies approves a proposal for the free rental of textbooks

On September 24, The deputies congress approved a non-law proposal to urge the Government and the Autonomous Communities to implement a free textbook loan system in public and concerted centers.

The proposal came via the platform, which brings together popular initiatives of this kind. It was created by Elena Alfaro, the petition asked the Minister of Education, José Ignacio Wert a fair price for textbooks, and urged institutions to favor an effective system for reusing textbooks and the selection of these books through competitions among publishers, taking advantage of the fact that the main client of these, in relation to textbooks, are the schools.

The text approved by the Congress

Text of Proposal no of Law of the Parliamentary Group of Progress and Democracy Union, concerning free loan systems for textbooks and other curricular materials (No. ext. 162/000481), approved by the Plenary Session of the Congress of Deputies in its session of September 24, 2013.

The Congress of Deputies urges the Government and the competent educational administrations, within the Education Sector Conference to:

1. The creation and maintenance of a free loan system for textbooks and other curricular materials for basic education in schools supported by public funds, managed by the schools themselves in the compulsory education stage.

2. The progressive implementation of textbook loan systems of a similar nature in post-compulsory secondary education.

3. The inclusion of this free textbook loan system, in the compulsory educational stage, in the next Organic Law Project for the Improvement of Educational Quality.

4. Promote initiatives so that textbooks and curriculum materials cannot be replaced by others for a minimum period of time that includes five courses. In addition, books must be materially reusable at the levels corresponding to compulsory education.

5. Promote the development of free digital teaching materials, approved by educational administrations, available to schoolchildren and teachers.

A big step forward but we don't let our guard down

That Congress has supported and approved the request is a great victory, but much remains to be done. It still has to be approved by the Government and the different Autonomous Communities, and we already know what our politicians like to go out in the photo and then where I said ...

Hopefully this initiative does not stay on wet paper and move in a direction that benefits everyone.

A few days ago we asked you what it seemed like books could be rented and you told us that it is possible to change the current system, that they are not even necessary and that in a world where there are almost more tablets than people and that our children They drive better than the pacifier doesn't make much sense anymore.

And of course, what makes no sense is the exorbitant price of some books. Who edits them, Stephen Hawking? Do English books leave Buckingham Palace? Does the knowledge of the environment give you a cow or a land on the coast?

Do you think so the Congress of Deputies approves a proposal for the free rental of textbooks Should it be approved by the Government or will the same happen as on other occasions?

Video: Census Scientific Advisory Committee Fall 2019 Meeting Day 1 (May 2024).