Before deciding the baby's name ...

Some parents have it clear since before knowing if it will be a boy or a girl. They choose a name for each possibility, or they can even opt for a unisex name. But there are certain issues that we should consider before deciding the baby's name.

Today the regulations and restrictions on what names can not be given to the baby are not as fierce as years ago, and this causes the saint to fall short for the examples we have in any class or any neighborhood. Although they have not forgotten traditional names, "those of a lifetime," which continue to fill the records. Whether in one case or another, you have to take into account some tips to avoid mistakes in the choice.

  • Know the origin of the name, its meaning. I think that no one would thank you to learn after the years that his original name of Scandinavian, Mapuche or Egyptian origin (for giving examples of less known onomastics in our environment) means "demon".
  • Know how it sounds or how we want it to be pronounced. People form an opinion based on our name, which influences even when it comes to shaping our own personality, and it is not about choosing bad names, pejorative or remembering insults ... That is why we must pronounce them out loud. It happened to me even with one of the possible names of my first daughter, when I heard it after seeing an ultrasound (“How tiny it is X”), discard it immediately because I did not like how it sounded, I did not see it for her, no I identified that name with that ultrasound.
  • Try the combination with last names. For the same reason as the previous point, you have to listen to how the name sounds combined with the last names, write them to see possible bad mixtures ... At this point I always remember, although it is a humorous hyperbole, of the names Gomaespuma chooses for his characters : Carmelo Cotón, Aitor Tilla, Benito Camela, Chema Pamundi ...
  • In the case of names of foreign origin, it is also advisable to make sure if they refer to boys or girls, or if we arrive in a new country, what does the name we had thought there mean ... For example, we may not like that our daughter Andrea la always confuse with a boy in Italy (although there will also be someone who doesn't care).

  • It may be the case that one of the members of the couple has a name that the other does not want because it reminds him of someone. It is usually an important reason to discard name (and I see it logical, it has happened to me myself), but we must try to make it abstract and not put that face on it, maybe the name is more beautiful than we think at the beginning.
  • If our choice is motivated by a fashion, we will have to stop to think a little more in the long term, whether or not we can regret that decision.
  • If we opt for the name of dad, mom, or grandparents, let's make sure that we do it convinced and not by tradition, pressures ... We may begin to annoy people to get confused if we don't know very clearly.
  • Some will tell you that before deciding on the baby's name, consult the family. Normally, it will not be necessary, and they will take care of giving you their unclaimed opinion. On the contrary, I would advise that, while listening to all opinions is lawful, we would not let ourselves be influenced by them or by pressures outside of you, the parents of the child. Therefore, it may also be a good idea not to communicate the name you want to give the baby before having it really clear.
  • If you want to put an original name, because yours was very common, because you do not want to be called by their last name in school or for whatever reason ... remember to consult tools such as the National Statistics Institute to know the frequency of names. You can also take a look at dictionaries of exotic names, or names of rare origin in our language, such as Egyptian ... Exclusive names are an upward trend.
  • Can you put this name? We do not want to go to the registry with the name of our decided baby and that they tell us that it cannot be put. There are different names banned in the world, each country will have its own. In any case, the regulations are increasingly lax and in reality, what you want to avoid are offensive or bad names (along with the names of the brothers, excessive number of appellants ...). The problem often comes because what is offensive to some is not to others, and there are names of doubtful taste allowed in the world.

Anyway, despite all these tips to keep in mind before deciding the baby's name, there will still be bizarre and controversial cases that end up in court. So we do not forget the fundamental rule that is sometimes missing: common sense of parents, your responsibility when choosing a name.