The first times

There is something magical in the first times, the first time you see the sea, the first kiss, the first night away from home. Throughout our lives we have lived many of these moments and perhaps many of them have passed in front of us without even stopping for a few seconds to taste it, they have gone and will never return.

But This changes the moment you become a father. You are not so young anymore and few new things are the ones that cross your path. Until the moment of pregnancy arrives and your life is filled with new moments to remember, until the delivery arrives and you have your baby in your arms for the first time, that is burned into your memory, and it will be thereafter When each new step that of your son, it will be a new memory to keep archiving in our memory.

We may not realize it, but there they are, well kept until a smell, a word, a scene from a movie takes them out of that oblivion and your mind is back in that room, at that precise moment when you saw your walk Baby for the first time, that first bite to a fruit, your first hug. Those moments when everything seems to be in order again.

I personally have a hard time remembering my childhood, maybe that's why I remember my children so vividly. And to you, what new moments has the video brought you?

Video: Elliott Trent - The First Time (July 2024).