Disney's Muppets (most wanted) tour presents the sequel

Disney presents the new musical trailer of The Muppets Tour, which hits theaters in Spain on April 16, 2014. In the film, the entire Muppets gang embarks on a world tour, filling the best rooms in some of Europe's most vibrant destinations such as Berlin, Madrid, Dublin and London Chaos chases the Muppets everywhere and they are soon involved in an international intrigue that leads Constantine, the number one criminal in the world who is also the same as the frog Gustavo, who is escorted by Dominic, his evil buddy, alias number two, who plays Ricky Gervais. The movie has more flesh and blood actors like Ty burrell which embodies Jean Pierre Napoleon, an Interpol agent, and Tina Fey in the role of Nadya, an energetic prison guard.

The Muppets before going on tour around the world they recorded this funny sequel which can be seen below and that although it lasts two and a half minutes is full of details and action with these endearing dolls as protagonists. The film offers old-fashioned police intrigue and, as the director says James Bobin, the films of the Muppets usually reproduce figures of the most classic cinema. The director also explains that in this film a great evil appears, which is the same as Gustavo's frog, and which offers many possibilities.

The Muppets Tour Disney is produced by David Hoberman ("Memories of a Teen Zombie", "The Proposition") and Todd Lieberman ("The Fighter", "Memories of a Teen Zombie"). Bobin wrote the script with Nicholas Stoller ("Damn Neighbors", "Eternally Engaged") who is also an executive producer along with John G. Scotti ("The Muppets" from Disney, "The Incredible Hulk").

The video, which I have seen three times, seems very funny and with many details. In addition, the most classic muppets appear and the meat and bone actors offer many possibilities complementing the frog Gustavo and the rest of the characters. A movie that we have marked in our 2014 movie agenda.