A good idea: make a sensory board for your baby

We already know that babies from which they begin to move on their own are constantly looking for new experiences. Toys to touch, to take to the mouth and any object that seems interesting to him, be it the control of the TV, the shells of the tangerines that the older brother has eaten or your new glasses. The baby is discovering the world and everything draws your attention.

A good idea that has happened to a mother of two children, author of the blog Fun at home with kids is to make with their own hands a sensory board for the baby.

The way to carry out this DIY project is not complicated, especially if you are a handyman mom or dad. You just have to shop around your nearest DIY store to discover small jewels that can serve as a toy: a piece of carpet, a bright cloth, a brush, a switch, a wheel, a hook, a chain, a letter of wood, a metal number, a pin ...

Of course, before buying anything think make it safe for your baby by manipulating it When placing them on the board you also try to do it safely, preventing any remaining hooks or screws that can be damaged.

When installing it, it has been done at a height that the baby can reach while sitting on the floor. When you start to stand up you can think of a table to place the different elements.

If in the end, everyday objects can be fun game tools. Do you dare to make a sensory board for your baby?

Video: DIY Sensory Board (July 2024).