The good and the bad of adopting the celebration of Halloween in other countries

Every year, on October 31, Halloween is celebrated in many parts of the world, also called Halloween. It is a celebration of the Anglo-Saxon countries that over the years has become more popular in other countries, such as Spain and some in Latin America.

But how good is it to adopt this custom that is currently celebrated with costumes and many goodies? I tell you about origin of this celebration, as well as the good and the bad of its adoption in other countries.

The origin of Halloween

Although today we all refer to this celebration as "Halloween," it originates from an ancient Celtic holiday called "Samhain", an old Irish word that means 'end of summer'. This holiday It was celebrated during the harvest season and was considered as the Celtic New Year, being a transition party.

He Samhain it is a night of spirits, in which, according to belief, the laws of time and space are temporarily suspended, causing the barrier between the two worlds to disappear: that of the living and that of the dead. In this way, spirits, both good and bad, could cross that barrier during the night, making possible communication with those who had already passed away.

Loved ones and ancestors were invited and received tributes, while evil spirits were driven away. Hence it is believed the use of suits and masks arises, because they served to move them away, since by adopting the appearance of another evil being, one avoided being harmed by them.

With the passing of years and the Roman occupation of the Celtic domains, this celebration was adopted with some modifications. Some time later, the Catholic Church decided to convert this holiday to Christianity, making the first of November the "All Saints Day", and that is how the word originates Halloween. This one comes from the phrase "All Hallows Eve", which in Spanish means"Hallowe'en", referring to this Christian holiday.

In the 19th century, this holiday arrived in the United States, but it gained popularity until 1921, when the first Halloween parade was held in Minnesota. During the following decades the party was gaining popularity in the United States, until in the late 70s and early 80s, acquired international fame after the release of the now classic horror movie "Halloween".

The Halloween we know today is a result of all that evolution and is currently celebrated mainly in Anglo-Saxon countries such as Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and Ireland, but also It has become quite popular in Spain and several Latin American countries in recent years. And although many countries know and celebrate it, some have their own parties to honor the dead, such as the Day of the Dead in Mexico, which we celebrate on November 2.

The good and the bad of adopting Halloween in other countries

Over the years we have read many theories about why we should not adopt Halloween as a party, since we are opening the door to evil beings. But actually, who mainly celebrate and look forward to it are the children.

I am completely sure that they do not do it with dark intentions, but with innocence and fun that they put to each activity they do. Let's see what are your good points and your bad points:

The good

Is a celebration, a party, which is reflected in the mood and joy that we live when we see children prepare for Halloween. Many families choose to prepare a dinner or party at home, which translates into a fun time living together as a family.

Another positive aspect is that we can teach children that there are other customs In addition to those in your country, and if we feel like it, we can also make them a space in our home. For example, if we choose to celebrate Halloween according to its origin, we can teach you that although our loved ones are gone, there are days when we can honor and remind them.

In addition, the most interesting thing for them is the fun of dressing up and decorating your home. Children love to use their imagination and pretend they can be someone else, like their favorite superhero or someone they admire. For them Halloween is that day when they can dress up and be who they choose.

The bad

A negative aspect that we can find when adopting the Halloween celebration in other countries, is that we take a custom that is not the best for children (nor for anyone really): consume a lot of sweets. Fortunately, it is always possible to resort to alternatives to sweets and as parents, take care of the excesses in the consumption of sweets.

Do you celebrate Halloween at home?

Video: Is Halloween Celebrated In Europe? (July 2024).