After checking the sphincters during the day, when do we remove the diaper at night?

Already immersed in the summer and with September closer than we think, and consequently with the entrance to the school around the corner, yesterday we offered ten tips to help children control the sphincters and leave the diaper. The councils were aimed at controlling the sphincters during the day, so that when they are awake they are able to say that they have pee or poop and do it where they see fit, but we do not get to talk about the night diaper, of which we put them while they sleep.

One of our readers, amatxooo, informed us in the comments that just yesterday, in El Mundo, they also published several councils with the same objective. The psychologist who talks about it, speaking of the night diaper, says the following: "The night diaper is removed approximately a month or a month and a half after the day." But I do not agree (as I am not with the rest of the advice he gives) and that is why today we are going to talk about it: When do we remove the diaper at night?

A month or a month and a half?

I ask the question because it is the first time in my life that I hear it. Why a month or a month and a half? Why not the same day you take off the diaper for the day? Why not at three months or at six? I guess he talks about a month or a month and a half to allow time for the child to control perfectly during the day and then work the control at night. The problem is that controlling awake is relatively easy, but controlling asleep is very, very, different.

I do not say with this that it cannot happen. There are children who wake up with a dry diaper before we even remove the day diaper. Mine, for example, have done so. We took off the diaper during the day and at night we left it just in case, but when it had been weeks or months already getting up almost always with the dry diaper. However, there are others who do not, who control great day, but empty the bladder at night, dawn with the diaper full of urine.

In Babies and more It is not true that in summer children should leave the diaper: signs that will indicate if it is prepared

The night diaper is removed when it is dry in the morning

So, answering the question, The night diaper is removed when the child dawns in the morning with the dry diaper, that is, when they already control the pee at night. See if the matter is simple. The "problem" and between quotes because it is not so much, is that sometimes this happens relatively quickly, but sometimes it seems that it will never happen, so, as in everything, there is an age at which we have to set a limit, in case something had to be done: the five years.

What to do if a five-year-old child keeps wetting the diaper at night

The first thing we should try to understand is why it does. The most common is that it is because The child's bladder is not yet large enough as to retain the urine generated at night, because still not able to wake up when your bladder is full or because you don't secrete enough antidiuretic hormone. He does not do it to get attention or do it to annoy, basically because the first affected is the child, who wakes up wet (and that is why he wears a diaper, to prevent the problem from getting bigger).

It is not something that is associated with emotional problems, normally, and it is as normal as it affects one in 10 children, and it is called nocturnal enuresis. I say normally, because if a child does control the sphincters at night for a season but then pees again it may be because he is restless or stressed by something, which can be some important change in his life or a problem at home or in the school.

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And now I leave you wanting more because we would come and talk about nocturnal enuresis and treatments, and as it is a bit long I will touch this subject tomorrow, to leave it as an independent theme (it is related to sphincter control and diaper at night, of course, but it deserves its own entrance).