Chinese table to know the sex of the baby: does it work?

The chinese table o Chinese calendar is one of the best known systems for predicting the sex of the baby. I am sure that there are even couples who entrust themselves to the calendar to try to ensure that the conception occurs at the right time for the baby to be a boy or a girl.

Remember that the chinese table It is based on the woman's age at the time of becoming pregnant and on the month in which the baby is conceived. Its reading is very simple: in the vertical columns the months of the year appear and in the horizontal rows the age of the mother. We will choose the month in which the conception occurs and the age of the mother at that time.

The box that results from the crossing will give us the key to the sex of the baby: in the table above, the A on a pink background is for girls and the O on a blue background for boys.

Taking into account that there may be variations if we do not know the exact moment of conception especially if it has occurred on horseback between two months, or the woman has an irregular menstruation, the results are not reliable for predict if the baby will be a boy or a girl.

And to this we add that perhaps to perform the calculations as they were originally conceived, the Chinese age or nominal age of the woman must be used, which does not correspond exactly to our “real” age.

But the most important thing is that there is no scientific basis to explain this calendar or Chinese table to predict the sex of the baby; and this despite the fact that the original Chinese table is in the Beijing Institute of Science.

History of the Chinese Table

Legend has it that this table was buried in a tomb of the Chinese royal family thousands of years ago and discovered about 700 years ago. Looking for information on the table, I find that some places refer to 70% effectiveness, others 90% and even 99% ... As you can imagine, some of these sites are somewhat esoteric ... and obviously there are no studies that support their reliability

I know many people who don't like this chinese tableWell, I'd give it a boy when they have a girl or vice versa. Although there are also certain cases. Is it a matter of probability? To you, Did the Chinese table work for you to know the baby sex?

Video: Does The Chinese Gender Calendar Really Work (July 2024).