Babybe, an innovative incubator that connects the baby with his mother

Recently we were talking about MOM, a low cost incubator that could save many lives and today we bring other news related to this system for premature babies. Babybe is an innovative incubator that allows the mother to have an active role in caring for the baby.

This incubator allows babies in incubators to receive direct signals from their mothers, such as heartbeat, breathing and their voice, day and night. To the glass cabin is added a bionic mattress that receives the sensations that a cushion "captures" in the womb.

That cushion or sensor bag, turtle-shaped, captures the mother's heartbeat, temperature, breathing, voice ... and everything is transmitted to the baby, when he cannot be directly with his mother using the kangaroo mother method for whatever reason (In many places they do not allow contact beyond a few hours a day).

One in ten babies is born prematurely in the world, so it is important that they have an incubator to get ahead with health. Also the link with the mother in the first phase of life is fundamental for the development, both physical and psychological of newborns.

The Babybe system provides the newborn with tactile and audible sensations similar to those of the mother, while maintaining the optimum humidity, temperature, hygiene and oxygenation conditions for the growth of the baby.

Its creator insists that it is not about replacing the kangaroo method but about complementing it during the 24 hours or for those babies in a xritic state who cannot leave the incubator or have direct contact with the mother.

The “turtle maternal module” is attached to the maternal breast through tapes, as a backpack, and wirelessly transmits the mother's body signals to the second component: the cradle control module, a box equipped with programs computer and electronic microprocessors, which translate the received data into other signals.

These signals arrive as insufflated air through tubes the third component of the Babybe: the bionic mattress on which the baby rests, which emulates the mother's chest, transmitting movements and tactile stimuli.

Speakers on the sideband of the mattress convey the sounds of mom. In the same place you can leave towels or maternal clothes so that the baby recognizes the smell of breast if it can not be by your side.

The Babybe incubator that connects the baby with his mom It is of Chilean origin and has been quite successful, so its implementation is sought in several countries. The fact that it was based on the kangaroo mother method could ensure the baby's benefits from this continuous attachment.