For the "modest" price of 30,000 euros, would you give your child a unique name in the world?

Watching news of this type I wonder if the world has gone crazy, parents have gone crazy or what could have happened. The desire to have special, unique children, it reaches absurd extremes at times.

Would you be able to pay 30,000 euros for your child to have a unique name? Well, it seems that there are people who are willing, and to capture that select clientele a company offers this service.

This is a Swiss company, called Erflogswelle, dedicated to creating names for brands and products, but that has taken another step after its director helped some friends to choose the name of their offspring.

How to find a unique name for your child?

It's really not something we can do simply with a Google search. The "trackers" in charge of finding a unique anthroponym in twelve different languages ​​dedicate around 100 hours in the entire process, and dare to guarantee that the selected name has no one in the world.

They have 12 translators who speak the most common languages ​​around the world among 5,500 million people. Together with the translators, the creative team gathers a list of 15 to 25 unique names using a combination of different words. Those names are those that are presented to the client for review.

After the family has chosen their favorites, a team of professional historians will search for any existence of those names in history.

Oh, and if you don't have so many pretensions and you settle for your child to have a unique name only nationally, will be enough with about 18,000 euros. The procedure is the same, but the scope of search and tracking is reduced.

The company points out that it is not just a simple name, that it is very important for them to offer a name that fits within the culture and family. In a month of life, it already has some requests, although families have requested that their identities be kept private. I bet whatever in your circle they will let you know that they have made this outlay ...

And what kind of names will come out? I imagine that quite "weird"… That which ensures that it is a unique name can only be possible if it is so. But how efficient will the tracking be in the records, in the archives, on the internet? I don't want to think about the parents' disgust if it were discovered that there is someone with the same name!

It is clear that in this case only exclusivity is sought when making the decision and the meaning and tradition are not taken into account, the other factors that normally influence when we look for names for our children.

Why so much exclusivity?

I understand that some parents do not feel like there are two or three children in the class of their children with the same name, or that when you call home you don't have to ask, "father or son?" But from there to look for exclusivity there is a good stretch.

We see that the madness for being "special" or rather making our children "special" has no limits. Paying such amount of money to find a unique name for our son seems to me a sad waste. Everything that could be done for the education of these children!

Although surely these families also spend a lot of money in the most expensive and prestigious schools, those that forge future winners, those who pass intelligence tests to babies. Another obsession of many parents today.

Anyway, surely you can think of many ways to spend money on something more useful. In the end, although the name of the people is important, it is not decisive, not even definitive. What will these parents think if in the future the son decides to change his name?

About spend 30,000 euros to give your child a unique name in the world It is an eccentricity of, as I said at the beginning, a world of crazy people. As Mafalda would say ... stop, let me down!