Living gluten free: celiac disease and children

Today is celebrated on National Celiac Day, a day to think, more than ever, about the reality of people suffering from this disease characterized by permanent gluten intolerance present in different cereals. It is estimated that one in 100 Spaniards are affected and that more than 450,000 people may be currently suffering from it without being diagnosed, but we want to focus especially on children with celiac disease, which are forced to live gluten free and for that, completely modify your eating habits.

This year's motto is “Gluten is not my option. I'm celiac, it's my condition ”, and intends to vindicate, among other things, the problems of the collective such as the need to improve early diagnosis, a greater participation of the Administration in food regulations and the monitoring of compliance, as well as in the provision of aid for the purchase of products gluten-free and awareness of the food industry for the collective.

Arriving at the diagnosis can be a long way for families, since the symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting, anemia, irritability, etc.) are common in children and are often confused with other conditions until it is the target of the problem . Therefore, the implementation of an early diagnostic protocol It is so necessary to reduce this uncertainty time and start a treatment as soon as possible.

Although on the one hand it is a relief, once the child is diagnosed, the family must adopt a series of substantial changes in eating habits, as well as educate the little one about his condition, teach him to understand and accept it. Neither are easy battles, but little by little and naturally, it is more bearable to adapt to the new situation, especially when the environment and the family get involved.

A topic that is not less is the expense of having a celiac child. Today the only way to treat the disease is a gluten-free diet and these products have much higher prices than the usual shopping cart. It is estimated that a year, a family with a celiac member becomes spent 1,400 euros more That without a celiac patient.

Research on the disease continues to progress, and there is even talk of a possible vaccine not too far away. Hopefully in a short time there is good news for coeliacs and especially for children with celiac disease, who have to learn to live gluten free From very young.

Video: Celiac Disease and Gluten Disorders in Children (July 2024).