Alcohol in pregnancy can cause mental problems in the child

A study has been published in the journal Pediatrics that states that the alcohol in pregnancy can cause mental problems in the child. Even a few episodes in which a woman drinks four or more glasses of alcohol during pregnancy make the risk of the child suffering from mental health problems in childhood increases.

The published conclusions are that alcohol consumption patterns influence the risk of mental health problems and learning in childhood, whether it is a mild but continuous consumption as if it has been sporadic consumption of more than three or four drinks alcoholic

It is noteworthy that these relationships persisted even in the absence of daily alcohol consumption during the rest of the pregnancy, the most common possible consequences being the appearance of symptoms of hyperactivity.

Together, our previous findings on the effects of occasional alcohol consumption in the first trimester of pregnancy seem to indicate that there are important effects on the mental health of the child both in contexts of low level of constant consumption and occasional binge drills.

The fact that alcohol in pregnancy can cause mental problems in the child is one more reason that joins the already known ones who advise against drinking a drink during pregnancy, at least as a guarantee of prevention of possible multiple problems related to its consumption .