A 10-year-old swimmer debuts at the Kazan World Cup and opens the controversy: precocious children or demanding parents?

The news of the day has definitely been the debut of Alzain Tareq in the World Cup that is being played in Kazan. It wouldn't be if it wasn't because The athlete is only 10 years old and is competing with professional athletes who even double their age.

Of course the controversy has not been expected ... do you participate on your own initiative or your parents ?, Have you had childhood to get there? ... Are there limits that parents exceed to reap the success of their children and the sooner the better?.

When you become a father you dream that your child will be happy and also achieve all the goals he sets. The problem comes when you don't let him decide what those goals are and you take him by the hand on the path that you think is the most appropriate ... I understand that all elite athletes start young (increasingly), but this news attracts attention because the level that a person has to have to reach A world cup and compete with the best must be very high.

When Alzain appeared on the scene, the audience immediately noticed her because of her small structure and small stature ... of course, she's a girl! The poyete from where they are launched seemed huge next to her ... and what about the pool. When he reached the goal he received a standing ovation from the public, which did not stop supporting him.

The little girl did not win. In fact, it was far from the time the winner scored ... however became the center of attention media precisely for participating in this competition at such a young age.

“It's wonderful to be here… I qualified for the World Cup swimming in my country against adults. I was the best of the tests in Bahrain and that's why I'm here. I am also not happy with my time. I can do better. I train five times a week to improve. Now I want to do 34 seconds in the 100 butterfly tests this Saturday, ”the little girl told the specialized press.

Without a doubt, he seems quite mature for his age and fully aware of the requirement that a sports athlete needs. But nevertheless we should see how much freedom of decision he has and how much of this has been influenced by his relatives.

Are children increasingly precocious?

It is said that children are increasingly precocious (although I am not sure if this has always been said and it is simply about the natural evolution of a person who interacts with a rapidly changing environment). Of course, to talk about precocity it is necessary to be clear that this is given by the initiative of the child and not by imposition of the parents.

Learning to read is one of the most typical examples: there are children who from a very young age because they are interested in letters and everything that has to do with them. If a father gives his son his first book is encouraging him, but if he forces him to sit down and spend hours trying to decipher what each word means, It is no longer something that is born of the child to be something that is born of the father.

Parental pressure for their children to succeed

It is clear that we all want the best for our children and we will probably all have thought at some point that we want to give them all the tools they need to succeed. However there is a very thin line between that and make them mature early: probably when we transfer it we do it unconsciously, so that we press them to think about the future ahead of time.

I think the most important thing is that children do not cease to be because they meet our expectations. I remember that when I was little I really liked to listen when my parents told me they were proud of me and I guess it's something that happens to all children. You just don't have to fall to extremes and always keep in mind that The most important thing is that they are happy, especially enjoying their childhood.