'Exposing the silence', a photographic project that gives voice to mothers with traumatic birth experiences

Unfortunately, there are many women who have gone through bad experiences during childbirth. Women who feel misunderstood, sad and keep their suffering in silence.

With the intention of give voice to those mothers with traumatic birth experiences Exposing The Silence Project ('Exposing the silence' in English), a project of two mothers of arms to take: Lindsay Askins, photographer and doula, and Cristen Pascucci, vice president of ImprovingBirth.org and founder of Birth Monopoly, organizations dedicated to respected birth.

Two women. Three children. A car. That is the project of these two mothers who travel the United States with their children in tow documenting traumatic birth stories and the brave account of hundreds of women who decided to break the silence.

They are asked three questions: What has been traumatic in your birth? What happened if you tried to talk to someone about it? What are you doing to regain your power again?

The result is these emotional photographs and the testimonies of each of the mothers that you can read here (in English). The majority are very hard testimonies, women who have been victims of obstetric violence, such as Heather's:

"I was lying in the operating room, alone, without my husband. My arms were fluttering quickly, I wanted to hug myself. They threatened to tie me up, so I placed my arms like a crucifix. I cried. I vomited. I begged the anesthetist to clean me my mouth, but I pretended not to listen to myself. Then, it was hours until I could catch my baby for the first time. "

Via | Huffington Post
Photos | Spot of Serendipity
More information | Exposing The Silence Project
In Babies and more | For a respected birth: documentary about obstetric violence at birth