Parents who decided to spend maternity leave traveling with their baby and backpack

I have been a backpacker for many years ... I love the feeling of losing myself in exotic and absolutely unknown cultures and discovering that despite all the differences that exist, deep down we are all more alike than we think. When I got pregnant practically everyone told me that trips like that were over forever, with arguments like "those countries you go to are not fit to go with a baby", or "what would you feed him there", come on, as if "in those countries" there were no babies ...

That's why I loved this story and it has reached my heart: Karen Edwars, a 31-year-old nurse and Shawn Bayes, both backpackers decided to spend maternity leave on a dream trip with her little Esmé, who was only 10 weeks old. In their blog they have told their wonderful experience to encourage parents that we like to travel not to stop doing it.

The trip lasted 10 months and toured several countries in Asia, Australia and New Zealand. According to Karen it was very easy to move with her in a baby carrier and that you simply have to fit her rhythms, in addition to that the only 'difficult' thing was not being able to do some things, but in general they could practice activities such as surfing, only that taking turns

She also wrote that she feels happy and satisfied for having given this experience to her daughter, since in her short life she has seen many new things day after day and that she definitely These kinds of adventures can be very enriching for both them and us as parents..

Although I do not have so much experience, I was surprised by something we lived recently: our first 'long' trip was across the ocean and I must say that many of the fears we have in such a situation are unfounded. They have a great time because they adapt with incredible ease to everything ... in fact being on an island who got sick was me, She had a great time and also shocked in an incredible way.

I would love to read your opinion. Would you make a trip of this style with a baby? Have you lived something similar?

Images | Instagram travelmadmum