The cowardice of wishing death to a child with cancer because he wants to be a bullfighter: not everything goes in the networks

Social networks serve many good things, but unfortunately there are also people who use the parapet that provides them for actions as cowardly as wishing death to a child with cancer who wants to be a bullfighter. Of course, networks are not for that. Not everything goes on social networks.

Adrian is eight years old and suffers from Ewing's sarcoma, a malignant tumor that affects the bones. His dream is to be a bullfighter and this weekend he attended a run for the benefit of the Oncohematology Foundation (FOI) in the bullring of Valencia with the participation of famous bullfighters such as Enrique Ponce, El Soro or Rafaelillo.

"He dies"

Before the news, critics of the bullfighting world, neither short nor lazy, threw themselves into the networks to attack the child. An eight year old boy with cancer! Aizpea Etxezarraga, or at least that is his name in the networks, published on his Facebook profile (now disappeared) with a cruelty and aggressiveness that has no explanation:

"I'm not going to be politically correct. What's going on. Let him die, let him die now," is the message that has circulated through Facebook in recent hours. Written by Aizpea Etxezarraga, his claims go beyond and criticizes that "a sick child wants to be cured to kill innocent and healthy herbivores who also want to live." "Adrian, you're going to die," he predicts.

Sometimes human cruelty has no limits. Why overshadow the dream of a sick child? But it was not the only one. Also a Twitter user (@Miguel_Ollero) posted on his profile: "What an unnecessary expense is being made with the recovery of Adrián", and continued "I do not say it for his life, I care about two balls. I say it because it is probably being treated in public health. With my money. " Shortly after he dropped his account, but thanks to the captures made by some users, his words continue to circulate on the networks.

But as much as they have erased their trail in the nets, the damage is done. Cowardice will not come free. The Toro de Lidia Foundation has announced that it will complain against users who have wanted on the social networks the death of a child with cancer because he wants to be a bullfighter.

Very clear. Our lawyers are already working so that there is no impunity # StopViolenciaAnimalista //

- Toro Lidia Foundation (@ftorodelidia) October 9, 2016

He received thousands of supports

But fortunately, before a miserable gesture there were many people who raised their voice on social networks to denounce this lowness and give Adrian all the support he deserves. Because beyond bullfighting or anti-bullfighting, it's about the dreams of an eight year old boy with cancer.

The boy received all the love and support of anonymous people, as well as some personalities known as Iker Jimenez, Cayetano Rivera Ordoñez or his wife, Eva González, who reported him to the police.

Quiet Adrian. You will win in your battle. Do not listen to the dark voice of human misery. You have me at your disposal.
Iker J

- (@navedelmisterio) October 10, 2016

This is already dark brown. It can't be tolerated. I guess @policia will have something here to do to you, I hope she does.

- Eva González (@evagonzalezf) October 9, 2016

Cowards who later delete their profile or say they have been hacked.
I hope you will be judged by law, and by society. @ Defensadelmenor

- Cayetano (@Cayetano_Rivera) October 10, 2016

Via | The confidential
In Babies and more | The dreams of children with cancer come true in a beautiful photographic project

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