They discovered that they were abusing their five-year-old daughter thanks to their drawings

The worst thing about child abuse is that it usually happens when you least expect it, from whom you least expect it. So much so, that often those who carry it out are the same relatives of the child victim. In this case we are not talking about a family member, but about a religious and bearer of the word of God, in what is an act impossible to understand.

We talk about Joao da Silva, a Brazilian evangelical pastor who sexually abused at least one 5 year old girl (because I could have done it with more boys and girls), which was discovered because the little girl started drawing Showing your terrible experience.

It happened in Brazil, in the city of Montes Claros, where the 5-year-old girl started to go down when she had to go to the English classes taught by Father Joao da Silva, 54.

Six drawings that got them out of doubt

Apparently, as explained in the DailyMail, the situation became so tense, its refusal was such that they valued the possibility of taking it to a child psychologist to guide them a little, because the girl had never behaved that way. The psychologist suspected that he might have a problem in school, or in these classes, and urged parents to look at the girl's things in case they found any clue or sign that would give them more information.

The surprise they took was capitalized when, among their notebooks and books, six drawings appeared that destroyed their hearts **. Six drawings in which two figures were clearly seen, lying on your back, with a face of suffering, and a bigger one standing, with another gesture.

Upon suspicion, the father called the cleric angry to ask for explanations of why the girl did not want to go to her classes and why those drawings were due. The pastor then confessed the facts and now it is the police that has opened an investigation to determine the damages and the penalty or punishment that must be met.

Seven steps to avoid child abuse

According to studies, approximately 20% of victims of child sexual abuse are under 8 years old and most never report abuse. So it is largely our responsibility to find out about it and prevent it if possible, or detect it as soon as possible. It will not always be possible, because in this case the parents were lucky that the girl had drawn it, but it is worth knowing how we can think about it following these seven guidelines:

  • Know the facts: parents are responsible for our children and we are the ones who must be on the alert to avoid a situation of abuse. A third of the victims are abused by family members and this means that the main risk comes from the closest people. Abusers often try to establish a relationship of trust with the parents of the victims and we must bear in mind that anyone can be.
  • Reduce the risks: Child abuse occurs when an adult is alone with the child. We must try to meet the person with whom he stays and try to be observed by other people. Internet is a great gateway for abusers, we must monitor the use our children can make of the network.
  • Talk about it: Children often keep abuse secret. The abusers manipulate and confuse the children so that they believe that it is their fault or that what they are doing is something normal or a game, they can threaten the child or even threaten to harm other people in their family. Talking with children about abuse, adapting our dialogue to their age can cause the silence barrier to be removed.
  • Stay alert: We must carefully assess the physical signals such as irritation, inflammation or rash on the genitals, urinary tract infections, etc. and other problems such as abdominal or headache as a result of anxiety. More commonly, emotional or behavioral problems arise such as withdrawal or depression, excessive self-demand, unexplained anger and rebellion, etc. Openly sexual and atypical behavior and language for age can also be signs of alarm.
  • Inform yourself, know how to react: Responding to the truth expressing disbelief or anger and anger can make the child try to justify the action, change the version or avoid questions and dialogues that return to the subject.
  • Act when you suspect: Suspicions are scary, but they may be the only opportunity for a child to be saved (or for several minors, abusers have several victims). If we do not dare to report, we can contact the social services, the child protection services, the health center, etc.
  • Get involved: We can fight against abuse, for example, by supporting laws and organizations that fight against sexual abuse of minors.

Video: Parents allow child to make life, death decision (May 2024).