When three months after the baby you think you don't have enough milk: the growth crisis or breastfeeding bump

It is normal that with our newborn baby we have endless doubts and we are constantly worried about his health. Therefore, when it seemed that everything was controlled, established breastfeeding, the baby gained weight at a good pace ... and suddenly there is a change without apparent cause, worry arises. It usually happens after three months of the baby and mothers think they do not have enough milk: it is the growth crisis or breastfeeding bump.

But if you find yourself in this situation, in which your baby suddenly cries frequently, it seems that he is hungry and wants to breastfeed more than normal, do not worry, because we will explain what is really happening and how to overcome this little "three month crisis".

After birth, the breastfeeding process begins to reach optimum levels of production up to six weeks of life. Obviously, at first the baby needs to breastfeed very often (8-10 times in 24 hours for full-term children and 10-12 times for premature infants) to reach the proper emptying of the breasts and consequently the production of the effective stimulus .

But this rhythm gradually decreases, which does not mean that there are episodes of greater demand on the part of the baby, which allow the milk production to be adapted to the needs of the child.

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If there is a normal acceleration in the growth rate of the baby, there will be a greater demand for milk, something that usually happens around three weeks, a month and a half and three months. Some of the children will have rare days, with changes that surprise and worry mothers.

Babies these days of "crisis" are somewhat more restless, cry more, sleep worse, breastfeed more often, they grab the chest and suddenly stretch, release it, cry ... The mother interprets that the baby is more hungry and, not the other breasts so full, concludes that she does not have enough milk. As a result, artificial breastfeeding is sometimes used, which is not the right solution, since there are many months in which breastfeeding is recommended for the baby.

What is really happening three months after the baby?

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) clarifies that, in reality, what is happening to the baby and the mother at the moment is the following:

  • The baby claims more often because he is growing (that's why they are also called "potholes or growth crises") and this causes his appetite to increase.

  • The mother does not have so full breasts because at the age of the baby her milk production has adjusted to her needs, the breasts no longer drip, nor is the rise in milk so noticeable.

  • In addition, the infant is already an expert sucking: it empties the breast more effectively and makes the taking faster.

In Babies and more Breast milk myths: "This child is hungry, I would say you have no milk" (II)

What can I do to overcome breastfeeding?

If you follow a few tips, in a few days the growth crisis of three months or breastfeeding will be solved in a few days. What we have to do is adapt to the baby:

  • Breastfeed more. Breastfeeding on demand is that: it asks us for more, we give it more. If you are more hungry, you have to offer breastfeeding more often and in a few days milk production will be conveniently suited to the baby's new rhythm. Do not wait for him to cry to offer his chest.

  • If the baby sleeps for many hours at night, wake him up to breastfeed (he will probably do it practically asleep, but sucking will stimulate the breast for increased production). If we increase the rate of suction also at night, we will help to produce more milk, which is what the child needs right now.

  • Do not bottle feed, as this prevents the increase in milk production and will worsen the situation. Remember that in a few days you will have more milk for your little one.

  • Do not become obsessed with the scale or with the percentile growth charts and learn to interpret them. Your son is not malnourished, it's just a bump.

  • Check that the baby does not cry anymore for other reasons (gas, illness, other discomfort ...).

  • Of course, advancing complementary feeding so that babies gain more weight is a mistake, so try not to advance it after four months (or five).

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One last tip was to overcome the three-month crisis is to rest as much as possible, since stress is not a breastfeeding friend. Try to relax and ignore the external comments that concern you (and there will be: "You have little milk", "Bottle" ...). Try to spend more time with your baby because this breastfeeding bump is overcome in a few days If you follow the above tips.

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More information | AEPED
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