How many hours of sleep have we lost since we were parents? A calculator tells us

One of the first things that change the moment we become parents, are our sleeping hours. Even from pregnancy our body begins to prepare us for those first months in which we will get up several times during the night.

Regardless of who sleeps less, if dad or mom, the truth is that our little ones "steal" many hours of sleep. Do you want to know how many? A calculator tells you.

You probably already know how many hours you actually sleep when you have a baby or young children, who are the ones who usually wake us up during the nights. But have you thought about how many hours you don't sleep?

The Hillarys website does us the favor and helps us calculate not only how many hours we have not slept, but also the days and even the months of sleep you have lost since your children were born.

Enough that Enter the age in years and months of each child you have for the calculator to tell you how many valuable hours of sleep have been lost. In my case, with my daughter of three years and one month I have lost a total of 3,300 hours, which give a total of 139 days or five months. Five months of sleep lost!

Of course this is only an approximate because each baby and child is different, some sleep more than others and some keep us up all night. However, hours of sleep lost or not, the truth is that Every hour that we do not spend sleeping, it is one more hour that we have lived next to our children. And when you're a father, a hug from your children gives you the dose of energy you need to keep going.