My first hours as a mother of twins

Recently I shared with you one of the most beautiful moments of my life, the experience of my twin birth. A humanized and respected caesarean section. The goal I had with that article was that there was finally a positive experience on the net for all pregnant women looking for a glimmer of hope around caesarean sections. To see that there are cases like mine, with a happy ending.

The point is that that day gave for much more and today I want to tell you my first hours as a mother of twins. My first fears, my first emotions and that feeling of seeing my three children together and thinking, "how much all this is worth".

First scare

After delivery I went to a room for two hours with my husband and my two new miracles to begin to know and start breastfeeding. Well, it really wasn't necessary with Noa because I didn't let go of my chest.

Since birth, the neonatologist had not separated from us because Unai kept sighing and doing like whining and didn't get hooked on her chest. "I don't like it," he told me. "We are going to give it a little while and if not, it will have to go to the incubator. I think that with mom's heat it can go back." There was another of my fears, having to separate from one of them. All the nurses told me that I was very lucky to have found with her that she defended skin to skin a lot, that any other doctor would have already taken it from me.

At that moment all the fears that I had during my pregnancy passed through my head. I knew that my oldest son loved him madly but I wondered if I would be able to love my twins with that same strength and he told me, well, I always wanted to have a girl, I sure feel an unconditional love for her but, what about Unai? There was the link that made me feel tremendous weakness for him since then.

He was stuck to my chest and his sister for two hours while they took me to the room to live another important moment, I had to introduce them to his older brother. The whole family respected our decision to leave the five of us alone for a moment so that Izan could meet his little brothers first. It was lovely to see how he fell in love with them right now. As I kept looking surprised. In fact today it does not stop taking care of them and there has not been a hint of jealousy.

When our precious moment ended, the neonatologist returned and indeed, "the skin with skin has worked. There is nothing like being with mom." Unai no longer complained, she had gone into heat and began to eat getting rid of the incubator.

Breaking more myths

Another myth that I broke was that of being attached to the bed, that same day they put me on my feet and I could change diapers to my little ones. Of course ... what nobody had told me is that during a caesarean section you have to be a couple of days on a soft diet, with the desire that I had serrano ham!

In fact, getting out of bed so soon was to avoid puncturing me heparin something that I really appreciate because I did not look too qualified to prick myself.

Milk Rise

They also say that with a C-section, milk takes longer to rise. Well, with my first child it took me a week to have milk, in fact I was desperate and my baby was starving. I thought I had no milk and that my breastfeeding dream was fading. Nothing could be further from reality, I managed to establish it for 18 months.

With my twins, the milk went up the next day and it was such an amount that I had to ask for a manual breast pump and extract myself a little there to relieve the pain I felt. Today they have nine months and still enjoy breastfeeding.


I will not lie, it hurt a lot. I remember that Unai had trouble hooking her chest and the position she did best was on her side. Putting myself in that position in bed was horrible. I felt excruciating pain, almost comparable to when I had to get out of bed. It is true that it took me a while to recover almost the same as in my first birth, which was vaginal, and that here I had to take care of three children.

Perhaps the most difficult thing was to find a way to breastfeed without relying on the wound but I made a perfect breastfeeding cushion to feed them at once and rid my scar of any blow.

Sharing my story with all of you has one reason: to take away your fear of caesarean sections. See beyond negative stories and myths and know both sides of the coin. Knowing that it is possible to have a humanized birth and that little by little I hope that all women can have one as respected as the one I had where absolutely all the points of my birth plan were followed to the letter.

Giving birth is a magical experience but finding a hospital and professionals who respect you as a mother and person make the experience even more rewarding. Today, when I go to my doctor for daily check-ups, I still thank her for making that moment something magical.